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Show 6A Laktiidt Review North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 Program Sot For Youth i , r' S. I Clearfield Recreation Department in conduction with Hill Air Force Base will once again host the Hill Air Force Base Youth Enrichment Program on Monday and Tuesday July 25, 26. This recreation program is for boys and girls between ages 10 and 15. A $5 registration fee will entitle participants to be involved in all aspects of the program including base tours, recreational activities and educational semi- n y -- . it Cr f NOW ONLY $15o UHrwwiuHt a large circle, a circle which is nice to be in. Some members of the Kendall Sedwick family get MAKE FAMILIES FREE ORDER OF OR Layton Girl to Compete In State Teen Contest Maria Anopol, 18, o daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anopol, Layton, has been selected to compete in the 1983 Utah Miss T.E.E.N. Pageant, which will be held at Weber State College on July 15, 16, 17. This pageant is the official state finals for the fifth annual Miss T.E.E.N. Pageant, which will be in Albuquerque, N.M., in - LAYTON Edil-bert- ; December 1983. Contestants from throughout the state will pompete in five judging categories for the state title. All contestants are between 14 and 18 years of age, maintain at least a B grade average in school and contribute of their time to persons less fortunate. The new Utah Miss T.E.E.N. 'will receive an $850 cash scho- 'Summer Fun ' Kaysville Kids to Parade link, and her attendants Chris KAYSVILLE The JCKs invite children in the Freeman and Trish Hartzell. Annette Haacke and Marilyn area to join in the annual childrens parade to be held Tues- Koroulis are the chairman for day, July 19, at the Kaysville the event. Elementary School. The clown Toes will begin face painting at 5:30 p.m. with registration for the parade at 6:30. The parade will begin at 7 p.m. at the rear of the elementary school. It follows center street to Main Street, turns right on main to First North and back to the school. This years theme is Summer Fun and there will be prizes given for best float, best group, ;L and best individual. The judges are Miss Heights, Julie Teas- Kays-vill- Kays-ville-Fru- paid trip to compete in the national finals where over $35,000 in scholarships and prizes will be se 20 AND FREE DEMONSTRATIONS TO GROUPS, BEAUTY CLASSES OR SEMINARS, HOME SHOWS CAREER TRAINING AVAILABLE. Road Tho Classified for it. e sessions Weekly give you dancing experience. Now Fhave something to look forward to at Arthur Murray's. party-practic- COURSE OVER STUDENTS 21 YIAAS Hustle ONLY Slow Dance Fox Trot Rumba Swing Cha-Ch- a Country aOthers 10 AM. to 10 P.M.-S- 11 till 3 P.M. at. Jlrlhur'ji(urray r' Dance Studio Franchised 393-504- 1 2478Va Washington Blvd. i it 4421 Harrison Blvd. Ogden, Utah 84403 3 j (across the 479-645- For An Inviting Evening of Enchanted Atmosphere Dine With Us Tonight. MARIA ANOPOL HOURS: WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES NIGHT Vs Mon.-Thur- Fri. OFF P.M. P.M. 6-- s. Sat. Closed Sunday & 7568 South Highway 89, Ogden 2 479-464- 0 jynY Herbal o n QOS 1 SAVINGS Intro Results BIC BEAUTIFUL BODY 2068 Harrison Blvd. Tri-Mill- 1 I I I IVAv tv VMMlRIlK' I MS-- 1 FS-1- 1 FS-1- 1 AF-1- 1 AF-1- 1 1 Medium black Fine Blue Fine black Fine blue (AF-6Fine block (AF-6- SPECIAL Regular Fresh Sliced ' STEER DEEF No. 972 V Letter tize monilo foldert a cut. Reg. $10.40 per 100. ; SPECIAL $7.25 per 100 Cad. Perm Vive 00 Our hair coloring staff is the very finest. All Specials Good Through Fri., July 15th, 1983. Bring Ad for Ail Specials. no. 973 Vi Logoi tize manila foldert Reg. $13.65 per 100. Vt cut. Shampoo & Set . . . REG. $4.50 Hair Coloring Manicuring Tips & Wraps GERRY CURL. SPECIAL FEDERAL . . er WIENERS $4.20 doz. $2.95 doz? 3.95 4.20 3.75 5.40 3.75 5.40 6.65 9.48 6.65 9.48 (M-2- FILE FOLDERS The cad perm wave is the finest perm wave money can buy in salons for $30.00 to $60.00. Why pay more (we guarantee our work) x ip ALL MEAT 'DESCRIPTION Perm Wave Special Alaskan BALLPOINT PENS BOUTIQUE 399-000- BACK RIBS HALIBUT STEAKS Wrap Permanent LOIN ROASTS Pork Loin OF BODY FAT IN ONE HOUR N street from Dee Event Center Sign). Boneless Pork mm 32iD McnnES $9.55 par 100 3 RING LOOSELEAF $OAOO VP M SUPERVISION BY: Rita Painter (Roy) C. H. . Painter (Ogden) Home Mode ITALIAN SAUSAGES Sweet or Hot Tri-Mill- er BINDERS BRAUNS- - STIFF BLACK VINYL LITTER SIZE WITH TWO INSIDE POCKETS. 3 COLORS WEIGER 3 RINO $9 000 LIVER DESCRIPTION 4-Y- ecr Regular Old SHARP CHEDDAR 1" Capacity Capacity, 2 Capacity 3 Capacity ls The college that placet their ttudenta in the Beet salont. ifJtt' UlU U.S.D.A. v! Qoadl 7Cio (SlassiGiodl Ft - Ogden, Utah A 3 no00 15 OFF ALL CLOTHS IN JULY MAKE-U- P steAkhouse Stars drill team and chosen as Brent Allens Satisfaction Cent- assistant drill mistress of the er, Deans Studio, McDonalds Layton High School Lancelles. She was the Student Body Secof Layton, and Don Pedros school retary for the 1982-8Mexican Restaurant. She was a member of the .year. Chev. Perm Vive LEVOY SALi -- FIRESIDE SUPPER CLUB awarded. Judging is based on talent demonstration, speech presentation, civic involvement, scholastic achievement and individu- -' al interviews. There is no swimsuit competition. ; Miss Anopol is sponsored by i -- INTRODUCTORY ADULT e Dost Qooulto Fort Lane Shopping Center 116 South VYf Fort Lone Layton 544-485- 5 1 CALL JEANNE STEVENS AT 776-334- 7 ZITOS larship among other awards ;and an HEW MAKE-U- P LEVOY COTHES went to Arthur Murrays where teacher helped me overcome nervousness, and soon, I was I dancing. I found had a talent SPECIAL OFFER CIA I U 40c my my Bmze Tdp WITH I Leairon together for fun and games at a reunion held last week. 2000 2 for ' Staff Photo by Rodney W. Wright DESIGN PRICE OFFER Lunch will be served daily followed by swimming. Each youngster should bring his own bathing suit and towel. Transportation will be provided by a Hill Air Force Base bus which will pick the youngsters up at Clearfield Swim Pool at 8:15 a.m. and drop them off at the Pool at 3 p.m. each day. For further information contact Barbara Johnson at 1 I FACE ANALYSIS nars. v. i PROFESSIONAL WARDROBE COLOR CLEARFIELD Cs'i) YOU DISCOVER CHOICE DEEF ONLY!! Print IffMtiv. thru July lith, 1983 Sat. Closed Sundays! Opsn 9-- 7, 9-- 6, |