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Show laknside Review North, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 5C Officers Will Study Street IFestfival' Drunk Driving Law Due to the 1983 Utah State Legislatures emphasis on immediate administrative 7yK u yA '? '$ 'S'A'Xi 7?A 1 RUSSELL J. KEOPPEL Roy Man Gets Career Award From Depot ROY Russell J. Keoppel of Roy received the DLA Distinguished Career Service Award at special retirement ceremonies attended by his fellow workers at Defense Depot Ogden (DDO). Capt. J.B. Douglass, depot commander, cited him for his 40 years of outstanding service and dedication to the federal government. Keoppel, an upholsterer in the equipment and maintenance division, was recognized for his proficiency in all phases of upholstery repair on wood and ,, pension of a persons driver license for any blood alcohol presented to police officers level above .08 percent, or 3 to 4 from July 11 through July 21, at drinks within an hour. the State Police Academy. Area It is anticipated that a later officers are attending; along training program will be ofwith police officers from Utah. fered because of the exceptional Six hundred police officers demand for the present course. from throughout the state are The seminar is being arrangscheduled to attend a one day ed and sponsored by the Utah DUI (driving under the influDepartment of Public Safetys ence) seminar and refresher Highway Safety and Peace Ocourse on new laws, detection, fficer Standards Divisions. A apprehension, report writing, large section of the curriculum and courtroom demeanor is being taught by specialists techniques. This is estimated to from the National Highway be a third of all law enforceTraffic Safety Administration, ment personnel in the state. who are involved with the FedThe training is necessary be- eral Governments Target of cause of the legal and procedur- Opportunity alcohol program al changes involving police of- in Salt Lake County. As of June 30, 1983, the years ficers, particularly from H.B. 142 which allows immediate halfway mark, 39 persons were driver license confiscation by a confirmed killed in alcohol repolice officer for a DUI arrest. lated automobile crashes. He had also worked as a fork-lis- t operator, canvas worker, wood craftsman and canvas worker inspector at DDO following his three years in the until 11 p.m. Enter through the Food Court and the main entrance. Dont miss the balloon drop for coupons and prizes. Come dance the night away at the Newgate Mall. After-hour- s Dance and Balloon Dropj Sat., July 16th 7 p.m. until 1 1 p.m. q Street; Mrs! Clarence Wilson, 184 S. Liberty; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward, 618 E. 315 S.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tempel-ton- , 1611 Stanford; Richard O. Moorse, 1474 W. 1850 N.; Alan Foxley, 2572 N. 2450 E.; Golden Morgan, 1013 E. Gentile; Orville T. Allen, 621 E. Gentile; Bob Hill, 2782 Kays Creek Drive; Warren and Ellen Cady, 399 Fernwood Drive, and two park areas, the Layton Commons Park and the St. Rose of awards were Marion Whitesides, Navy. Keoppel and his wife, Dee, each have dirt bikes; however they enjoy touring the U.S. by riding double on their road bike. They also enjoy fishing and hunting. The Keoppels have two sons, 59 1, - 17 Vi q $ .r) (V-- 4 Special Guest Performance NEWGATE MALL The practical choice 36th & Wall Ave., Ogden & BUD HUTCHINGS OECHESTPA Whitesides Lima Park. OFAC fu.t center VIDEO MEMBERSHIP For One Weekend With The Purchase Of Any Video Products. daughter and four grandchildren. 'y.p" Defense Depot Ogden is an integral part of 9 ' , 1 the Defense Logistics Agency. f New Member Selected for Health Panel product and let GE any Buy E- GE make your first payment THE PANASONIC FARMINGTON Centerville resident, Seth Blood has beefT' selected1 to serve on the Davis County ,Mental Health Advisory Board as a replacement for board member Hal Day. Day was unable to serve out the remaining year of his three-yea- r term due to work commitments. Blood is a former board member who currently serves on the Davis County Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Council. The health advisory board makes recommendations to the county health department and suggests various programs for the. county commissioners to fund.; 0. x rv'f'L One-Even- t1 Programming Electronic Wired Tuner e Remote Control 7.9 Lbs. wBattery eSpecial Effects F VHF-UH- r Si NOW Model 1CVP4022X ONLY ' SPECIAL. :.! .BOTH ONLY f Model 1CVC4030E 798 . . ONLYjQOQ I860 NOTICE: The unauthorized recording of television programs and other materials may infringe the copyrights of others Model 1VCR4002X $55900 495 ;7.'o SG-V3- K 3 o.- AMFM stereo receiver with built-icassette deck, automatic record changer and 2 way bass reflex n -- speakers Family sized capacity, with 3 water levels 4 Automatic Cycles with Permanent Press Cycle Super Surgilator for super cleaning 1 69 Rag. $199.00 ;o. 7?; n DRYER FEATURES: Temperatures - High, low & air fluff 3 Drying 5 Timed Cycles, with extra-larg- r . WASHER FEATURES: XT lint screen. e oP & WASHER 5 399 339 price .v DRYER 6 PRICE You Savo O,' $40 on Pair fW. l V & Utah Council.' Fros-Fra- Whirlpool , Center Plans Birthday Event Effects Panasonic BUY THE PAIR MID SAVE! i Electronic VHFUHF Tuner Wired Remote Control Special Scan, PauseStill, and Frame Advance Programming NOW ONLY I tant Jambdree Scoutmaster. They are a part of 40 council participants from the Northern 00 00 Sugg, retail price for pair , rb 4 VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER RecordPlayback One-Even- t1 T ube Newvicon Pick-U- p 6: 1 Power Zoom e 1" CRT Electronic Viewfinder e FI .4 Lens eMacrofocusing to i NOTICE: The unauthorized recording of television programs and other materials may Infringe the copyrights of others $. VHS R. COLOR VIDEO CAMERA RecordPlayback 1 LAYTON - o'.ol ,c Attending At Jamboree The ClearCLEARFIELD field Convalescent and Nursing Center, 1450 S. 1500 East, is having a celebration to note its sixth anniversary on July 15. The schedule of events includes Le Rae Thackerays Dance' af 3 p.m., Kurt Bell's band at 3:30, Clearfield Job Corps Rangers at 3:45 and Sky Divers at 4 p.m. IES 0. Six Scouts Six members of the Layton LDS 11th Ward Boy Scout Troop 303 are in Canada representing the Lake Bonne-- ' viUe Council of Boy Scouts at the World Jamboree. They will be competing and friendshipping with Scouts from all over the world. The boys are Vernon Moon, Darren Moon, Stewart Ford, Mike Brimhall,' Tony Dalton and Robert Dalton, the assis- V-SER- o; If You Like The Sound, You'll Love The Price! - ' VSwvv Newgate Mall for an After-hou- rs dance with music by Shur Country by the Sears store and the Bud Hutchings Orchestra on the stage. Dance nonstop from 7 p.m. Improved7 Yards Cited LAYTON In an effort to encourage home beautification in Layton, the city has awarded several Layton families certificates citing them for their efforts in beautifying their yards. Layton Civic Improvement Association representative Julian Martinez presented the names to Mayor Lewis Shields after making a study of Layton dJuily tome to 1 metal furniture, automotive and material handling area. Those who received the equipment. one sus- drunk driving laws, a massive group training seminar is being hi we! f' 74!d Aiimaal The new law also provides for I :i a Whirlpool Large 17 cu. REFRIDGERATOR MmM ED19MTXl With .vV TILT-IC- 11.1 cu. It. totil refrlisritsd mIihss E Olttttttr is in ConmiMt to nm jonrsslf its without af.o ii)the ttsy I.;. openlog Use min rsliiiwstw Milt Pis Inn 14: T1?: sntnrni No Fingerprint it ctMur then tte rntriinntnr nmlmnst $ nnM inn trispnr TwtnrnR Stttl Doors with thn Itnrltni Innk nt tnathnr Intorior Dnnbln PKculiin-uu-itu- f Linnr I$ NOW ONLY M098" Rtg. $1289.00 Panasonic SG-V5- Spec-tragra- In- GENTILE n .y.J w ay P. Reg. $729.00 . i NOW Chi 509 0 249" Rtg. $279.00 .or M icratchtU ILAYTOM G. ph speakers 544-344- 250 5 AMFM stereo receiver with spectrum analyzer, built-icassette deck, automatic record bass reflex changer and terior Plus Many Extra Features ONLY sHghtly .;:oi VaI that mists rust, stains, scntchns ind fnnrs .ftl 551&3E Textured Steel Door Ice Maker can be installed Built-I- n AOJ Rollers ADJ full width shelves Twin Vegetable Crispers ADJ Meat Drawer Durable porcelain Steel Tinpratirs Cnntrollti nsst ps tMprntim me CRISP 1 CLEAR Vtttoblt Crisper with Nialdtj Central nnnMns jnn tn nJlnst tin inowt nf mnlitnn tn kn ?& 1m. tarnm II Family Size REFRIDGERATOR Olif.nw E ft. center OPEN DAILY 10-- 6 EXCEPT SUNDAYS to L Vb' L 8 Free Delivery Free Storewide Parking Y . 1 R.nlAntu . i .ii |