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Show 8A Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 Rehab Center Receives Accreditation 5 & APtPtLOACOGDO . By BARRY KAWA Review Staff CLEARFIELD Serving the handicapped and disabled individuals of Davis County, the Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center, 435 South Main, Clearfield, has become only the fourth such center in Utah to receive a national accreditation award. The center joins only three of the 12 handicapped training centers in the state that have accredited for meeting standards set by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. . In a letter to the director of the Davis County School District sponsored center Robert Daniels, Representive Jim Hansen praises him and his staff for I the recent accreditation. commend you for your service to the needs of those with disabilities, writes Hansen. It is important for the people of Utah to have a facility with the capability and quality that yours represents. According to Daniels, the accreditation tells him the center is as good as anyone elses in the nation. Started in 1971, the Pioneer 1 - Adult Rehabilitation C Center 16-7- llkii I Floor Samples WKITE TV (PARC) is a rehabilitation facili- ty operated by the school district. Clients of the center range 4 ii? age from and services are provided to increase their capability to become both socially and vocationally. , Potential clients are referred to the center from special-e- d ccft tcu::i v.c.n. 12" CLACK & no tc:ic:i ccrtTccL 0 o 8500 FISHER . PC2TACLI ITIIZO two-wee- k IS FISHER CCLC3 PC3TACLI AdoptionClinic Set Next Week clim-lix- 25" CCLCZ1 25' Diagonal COLOR CONSOLE 19" COLOR PORTABLE With Electronic Tuning. 1 only. G.E. NOW ONLY 19" COLOR PORTABLE 1 only, 100 solid state ONLY 19" COLOR REMOTE CONTROL Experience the convenience of a SONY TO" NOW ONLY BIG SCREEN T,V. Don't pass this one up. One only, display modal. Value... ZENITH 19" A $3,500 NOW ONLY COLOR PORTABLE 200 200 ifQCQ 300 Wood Cabinet, Was $629. NOW ONLY -- General Electric Has all the special effects, display model. Missing Remote control. Was $1 ,349. NOW ONLY HITACHI VIDEO RECORDER Deluxe model with Speed NOW ONLY Search. CQ 320 a GOO 2QS SANYO VIDEO RECORDER With speed search. 4 only. 2QQ NOW ONLY all types of adoptions. Although all interested people are invited to attend the forum at. no charge, there will be a small fee for the comprehensive adoption packet available at both programs. It contains a survey of adoption agency requirements, agency answers to common questions about adoption, and guides to international and private adoptions. non. RESOLVE of Utah is a volunteer organization profit, offering information and support services to people with impaired fertility. For further information on RESOLVE or the forum, call RESOLVE of Utah Audiophile Special! model. Was $2,199 Kenwood Quality. NOW ONLY MAGNAVOX COMPONENT AMFM Radio, playerrecorder. 2 only. turntable, tape NOW ONLY FISHER CASSETTE DECK With Dolby Sound. Play and record your NOW ONLY favorite music. 003 m 08 J BUTTON CC2C5T SAVED 2572 HrrLpxri r 1.3 cu. ft. LARGE SIZE OVEN -- Haavy-Duty 263 D3YC2 TOUCH CCUTDOL SEE: 2578 ttsskChtf CITZICIHATCa Takes the work oul of homework Commercial Quality VJACZIZn II See Our Complete Selection of cz":tiz2 cavzd Wasting Ssousa MIC333JAYZ 3 ft. c:::3T HOTPOINT DELUXE RANGE SPECIAL as lew as 30' Used 1 day for cooking demonstration. 10 only in white. $250 vlaue. NOW MAYTAG . as well as adults who were adopted as children. The participants have been involved in f IMM.HrhY c to pursue The program involves a panel of adoptive and birth parents, 1 U KENWOOD COMPONENT STEREO SYSTEM Includes says Charlotte' want really adoption. NOW ONLY STEREO SYSTEM 2 only, display models that have been here too long. $998 value 5 Has lightweight headphones. FLOOR MODEL VHS Floor Sample. o co. V3Q7 WALKMAN TYPE PORTABLE RADIO VIDEO RECORDERS an pakily FOOOT rzzi Sauer, forum coordinator. The RESOLVE series outlines the available options and eliminates the misinformation about the adoption process. Couples can then decide whether they 41 STC3I3 SYSTEM hrtpxrin: Automatic vmouzz ci::7ac:3 The states most comprehensive adoption program is being sponsored by RESOLVE of Utah for the third year. Designed for couples and professionals interested in adoption, the forum will be held at the Whitmore Library Auditorium, 2197 East 7000 South, Sandy, July 19. Each of the free Tuesday programs begins at 7 p.m. The adoption process causes a great deal of frustration because of the uncertainties and often lengthy waits for an adop- AMITSUBISHIMGA With glass door cabinet ZENITH VIDEO DISC 2 Only, lowest Price Ever. NOW ONLY G.E. VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER rrtpxrLri: ELECTRIC m:Z2 T.1AYTAO Cl'IlT-- C SYSTEM f 8510 ?57S APPLIANCES a nw-f- V.C.B. Hurry In! remote. - PORTABLE C0K3QLB TV oho m Q0O " tive child, STC:i9 WElectronic Tuning ! - ns o v.ii.8. v.c.n. programs in county high schools or by private request. A evaluation study determines the individuals competencies and areas for potential job placement. The client is then given some educational training, taught work adjustment skills, social adjustment skills and speech and language development. The PARC staff then helps place the client in a job and continues to monitor their progress even after they leave the .center. If the client cannot keep the job, then they may return to the center for future placement. Daniels estimates present en. rollment at about 110 clients with the center serving over 200 through the year. Out of these, Daniels said about 85 percent are mentally retarded and the other 15 percent either physically! handicapped or foreign immigrants. A current waiting list of 35 are hoping for federal funds to become available to pay for the cost of the training. '! Daniels says only a few clients are paying their own way which costs an individual with no state funds about $160 a month. Others use one of five federal or state funded programs to pay for their enrollment. Daniels said three years ago out of a total of 225 students, the center placed 55 in jobs. He said because of federal budget cuts, the center had to drop a fulltime placement director. I .PC3TACLI 8TZ3X3 0)0) ICOLC3 CZ.7.0TE nt IT A slight dent or CHARMGLOW GAS GRILLS one. Now As Low As SAVE In 2 WASHER C lets you clean up on this NOW gold. ON ALL HOTPOINT RANGE HOODS IN STOCK Some vented, some sizes and colors. GARBAGE DISPOSALS Dispose of food waste quickly and NOW ejuietly. 17 cu. ft. ' FROST-FRE- E Fully adjustable glass shelves. terior damage. PORTAELE 1 only. SALE Slight MOUNT COOLERS Morn cooling per dollar than any you can buy I NOW On KEROSENE HEATER Over $200 Value, NOW L..G CREDIT IS AVAILABLE Credit Dept, c handle your finance needs! Take up to years ot pay with low monthly payments. re f 1 5. v W J J GIANT SIZE MICROWAVES With Probe 8. Clock. Was $499, 2 floor models. ONLY LITTON-AIX- E TOUCH CONTROL SPACE SAVER Deluxe over-rang- e type microwave. Was $729 NOW TOUCH CONTROL MICROWAVE With FOOD SENSOR ex- Save $200 OR WINDOW EVAPORATIVE R.C. Willey's own Variety of YOURCHOICI REFRIGERATOR EUREKA UPRIGHT VACUUMS Now As Low As PRE-SEAS- FABRA-MATI- V Fully automatic cooking. Was $629 JENN-AI- R NOW BUILT-I- N WALL OVEN A MICROWAVE 5 only. Was $1,010 NOW BOO GOO 2057 570S SYRACUSE Pn Weekdays 1693 W. 2700 S. Frl. 10-- 9 Sat. 10-- 6 Clo$ed Sunday Ph. 773-451- 0 |