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Show '' I ; i . fA' ,'.f f ' M M'l ''' " v v .' i'.f v' .V f ' A tt Jl ' H'Wl iTfVff f,W ;, - ' , ' J, Mv1'1 t '.tiM'l,.l"ifl ., ?) , :, f ;f ,f , T , ) Page 3A North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, July 13, 1983 Editorial To serve Vou foster... Trash Plant Ruling Needed The proposed construction of a resource recovery plant within the limits of Clearfield City has, understandably, brought strong reactions from residents whose homes are located near the site proposed for the facility. The $54 million plant is similar to several operating now in Europe and the United States which turn solid waste materials generated by cities into marketable power or steam. The plant proposed for Davis County is supported by officials of county planning bodies including Front Regional Council as long-termeans of waste disposal Some type of action is needed due to finite terms of usefulness of county landfills. Opposed to the plant, primarily for personal reasons, are residents of Clearfield who would have to live with the facility in their neighborhood. Similar objections were raised by Layton City and its residents when a site within that city was being considered. Opponents of the plant fear that its construction in their neighborhood would lower property values in the area and would not be in accordance with city planning and zoning. Clearfield City officials have been generous in granting time and opportunities for those protesting the plant to make their views known. The city planning commission, after hearing a report from a citizens committee appointed to study the issue and after listening to an organized outlined seven condigroup protest the tions that builders of the plant would have to meet before approving a permit for its construction. Many of the conditions were designed to make the plant more acceptable to residents of the area. Another public hearing is set July 26 on an appeal of the planners decision. Opponents have obtained more than 500 signatures on a petition asking that the issue be decided by voters in the November election. That petition has not been turned over to city or county attorneys for review, however, after city officials determined the petition did not address a subject that is normally open to petition. There are worthwhile arguments on both sides of the issue. The issue has been discussed and debated for months. The views of those opposing the plant are and are not likely to change. The opinions of those who support the construction of the plant have also been made public many times. Following the hearing July 26, the City Council will have the options of tabling the opponents appeal, continuing the discussion even further or acting to decide the issue. It would be in the best interests of all concerned if the council were to decide the issue at that meeting. The next two weeks should provide the already-state- d ample time to positions of the two sides and opportunities for city officials to make a proper decision for their city. well-know- omur n Letter to the Editor Cr RICHARD M. WEBBER President new office Thit it a service orientod decade. We ere proparod and committed to provido you with tho Finest real estate service availablo. those people whom we've served well to improve the quality of this service; a challenge that has kept us an industry leader. As active citizens in our communities, we keep abreast of social and economic developments likely to affect current and future trends in our market. Such important information is made available to every client in an effort to assure them of the most sound real estate investment. nice to know there is a qualified Buying, selling, investing, or just curious-it'- s real estate company sincerely interested in and well prepared to offer you the service you deserve. Much of our business is attributable to in the past. We are constantly striving ; Review Editor: The 4th of July City Celebration at Swimming Pool Park was a great success this year. President Lyle Landes of the Kiwanis Club of Clearfield, speaking for all club members who spent hours and days of free time in preparation for the Big GROJ Sale and the concession booth, expresses special thanks to those who donated for public sale and auction everything from1 furniture and the kitchen sink to tiny lapel pins. Thanks go to the City of Clearfield for providing uninterrupted 220V current for the clubs korn dog cooker. Over a to wet their whistle, devour one or more of those traditional (18th year) big, fat, and juicy Kiwanis korn dogs, and dessert on an ice cream sandwich. Record sales this year exceeded a thousand dollars. Every cent of it will go for charitable purposes, some of which will add to the pleasure of your children at our city parks. Now our apology. Last year we provided free copies of the famous korn dog recipe. We neglected that this year. Because of the numerous requests, these will be made available free at 509 Fern Drive (East of BIG-- 0 Tire on North thousand people browsed Main), or by mailing a and stamped envelope through and made fantastic buys at the GROJ Sale, then to Kiwanis Korn Dogs, 509 Fern stopped by the concession booth Dr., Clearfield, Utah 84015. Even Flood Sparks Humor Review Editor: the Animal Control Man use two The flood condition in Davis tranquilizer shots and take both-o- f us away. County is a grave situation and faces are long. However, we do have our lighter moments. We are older and cant get out and buck sandbags or heft a shovel. The water attracts my husband just like it did 65 years ago. I meander sround and The Lakeside Review enforget which side of the house the creek is on, but we do try to courages letters to the editor as a way of allowing citizens keep in touch with each other to speak out. However, the for safety sake. I knew we had a skunk in a Review is responsible for box trap and were waiting for what is printed in the paper the wildlife people to come and and will not publish letters which are deemed to be libeltake it away. I went out to locate ous or in bad taste. my husband and walked right Letters concerning issues up to the trap and hollered, of interest to readers within where are you? You the Reviews circulation area guessed it! I got it right in my face and hair. The neighbors (Roy through North Salt were quite shocked to see a Lake) should be brief and to woman the point. As a general poligrandmotherly-lookincy, letters of 500 words and streaking through the backyas she clothes off less have the best chance of ard, yanking headed for the back door. They being printed. The Review reserves the right to edit letshook their heads and thought: ters for length and content. Another casualty of the flood. All letters must be signed Now, can someone tell me: Should I bury myself in the bacby the author(s), and accompanied by an address and kyard for a week, or just go with the rest of the junk to the Jordan phone number. Address all letters to Review Editor, 2146 River? N. Main, Layton, Utah 84041, Nina Brinkerhoff Bountiful or 145 N. Main, Bountiful, Utah 84010. P.S. My husband suggested COMMERCIAL EMPLOYEE RELOCATION SUBDIVISON DEVELOPMENT RESORT & CATCH ALL THE CONDOMINIUMS CORPORATE OFFICERS APPRAISALS SPORTS Kiwanis Expresses Thanks RESIDENTAIL iMW yiwmmn'm IN YOUR FREE Lakeside Keview Every Wednesday nf ifri it1- VruiTfiftnlnjtli REAL ESTATE SERVICES MARKD. HANDY J OGDEN 621-800- 2 SALT LAKE n 486-317- 5 PARK CITY 649-440- 0 DgVg urlStih AnniuGE'sacy (SGlG&E'ation Letter Policy Yoo-ho- IM siimdL si o, g , : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (Dimly Limited Time at Arbys of Salt Lake, Ogden, Orem, Provo, Sandy, Layton, West Jordan, Taylorsville, Murray, West Valley, Logan, Spanish Fork and Price Beginning July 12, 1983, two Electrical Engineering courses will be offered on Hill Air Force Base. The two courses are designed to run for 1 Vi hours on Tuesday and 1 Vs hours on Thursday and will be completed by the end of September. The two classes, WO COUPON NECESSARY. EE580, Applied Electornics (4 credit hour) and EES2, Microcomputers (5 credit hours), ' ; are basically designed for students who have had prior experience or courses in electrical engineering. These two classes may be applied toward the Bachelors andor Were continuing our Anniversary Celebration with more fun and values! Now, enjoy your choice of any Arbys sandwich with regular fries or potato cakes and a medium soft drink for only $1.99. Masters degree in Electrical Engineering which will begin this fall on Hill Air Force Base. The cost of the courses is $109.00 for 4 credit hours and $1 29.00 for 5 credit hours or $240.00 for both for those interested in the Bachelors Degree program. The cost for the graduate degree program U $60.00 per credit hour. Students interested in making formal application to enroll in tha Bachelors or Masters degree program in Electrical Engineering from Utah State University to be held on Hill Air Force Base beginning this fall should call 777-3S3- 6 or coma to the Base Educaton Office, Building 368, to complete necessary forms. For additional information call Dr. Terry Teigale or Mari Kay Garrard at 777-3S3- Choose from: Regular Arbys Beef n Cheddar Super Roast Beef Roast Beef Deluxe Chicken Fillet NON-HAIMMOYIU May aba anrall In tkas taurtasi hawavar, priority far aarallmanN will ba Iran fa military amplayaaa First, tlrlllan tmplsyaat annf and than all athara. Dr. Bill Jonai from tha Elac-fric- ol Enginearing Depart- CALL ment al Utah Slat Universi-t- y will ba al Hill Air Forca Bata on July 1 2th and 14th al IOiOO a.m. for itudant odvitamanl. 777-353- 6 For an Appointment Ecdes Conference Center 4 SO , Turkey Deluxe Club Arby-Q- ( French Dip Submarine Ham n Cheese Ham n Cheese Deluxe Dont miss it! 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