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Show f Page 5B South Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday , July 13, 1983 Rain or Shine Modern Worries Hit the 3 Bears By SHARON NAUTA STEELE Tell us a story, my children began the usual bedtime ritual, as the evening sunset waned. Once upon a time, there were three bears, I mouthed the old familiar words. But weve heard that one d before, my little ones pro-teste- I Yes, agreed, But the last time the three bears went for a walk in the woods to wait for their porridge to cool, things turned out just a little different. Different? the kids wor- ried. Different. Oh, you can be sure that Goldilocks made her usual way into the Three Bears kitchen while they were out. But when she tasted the Papa Bears porridge, BOUNTIFUL Elmer W. 14, 1933. The Barlows have lived and raised their family in Bountiful. Mrs. Barlow is a former school teacher of the Davis School system. She is known as a warm Gardeners, farmers and groundskeepers should be aware that effective control of plant diseases necessitates early, accurate identification of the disease and its cause. Usually when disease symptoms appear on a plant, it is too late to control the disease on that plant. However, Sherman V. Thomson, extension plant pathologist, Utah State University, says diagnosis is important because timely control measures can hostess for family and friends. Her crocheting is displayed throughout her home. Mr. Barlow has been the owner and operator of his own business, Barlow and Sons. He has served as city councilman and mayor of Bountiful. Both are active in the LDS Church. The couple are parents of Bob Barlow, De Anne Wilde, Kay Barlow and Jim Barlow. They have 15 grandchildren and four prevent the disease from spreading to other plants. He says field diagnosis and laboratory analysis play key great-grandchildre- n. roles in identifying the symptoms, signs and patterns that signal stresses to the plants caused by the environment or a pathogen. It is necessary to look at all parts of the plant. Note whether symptoms are present only on leaves, stems, flowers or fruit; or if the entire plant is involved. Compare the diseased plants with healthy plants growing nearby. Determine how the disease is distributed within the field or garden, noting if more than one species of plant is affected. Where symptoms and signs are not sufficient to accurately dignose the problem, samples may have to be taken to isolate and identify the causal agent. However, Thomson says for a plant specimen sample to be of value, it must include the appropriate plant materials and it must arrive in good condition. He encourages persons suspecting plant diseases that they dont recognize to consult with 2 - Introduce Pasta to Salad For Better Combinations Cooks are rediscovering sing and chilled overnight to marinate them in the savory pas- ta. Shops specializing in homemade varieties are blend opening, grocery and department stores have special sections for homemade pasta devotees and many dedicated lovers are experimenting with of Italian herbs and spices. Start with Macaroni and Vegetable Salad and discover the many ways cold pasta salads can add new flair to your menus. their own combinations at g e bears steaming bowl of porridge came in the form of a paint. And realizing that the padding in the teeny tiny Baby question: Are these cooking Screaming Bears chair could easily emissions environmentally safe? catch fire, she passed it up altogether. The situation was even worse in the Three Bears bedroom. These blankets may have been treated with cancer causing fire retardants, Goldilocks surmised as she tested the Papa Bears bed. The feathers in these pillows came from an en- And she didn't even taste the teeny tiny baby bears portion once she realized that even organically grown grain could draw toxic PCBs from contaminated soil. And so it was that she went without any breakfast into the Three Bears living room. Oh, my! she worried as she sat in the Papa Bears chair. The small loosely sewed buttons on these cushions could choke a little dangered species, rate above the optimum target zone.) As for the three bears, they never came back to their house either, because it was too close to the towns nuclear reactor." That was a good story, my oldest daughter Mom, but you said, Gol- really shouldnt risk straining your eyes by reading at such low dilocks affirmed as she examined the Mama Bears bed. child. hysterically, Goldilocks ran out of the Bears house, never to return. (But she was careful not to go too fast, as she didnt want to risk getting her heart light levels. Check Plant Disease, Use ChemicalsCarefully Couple Celebrate 50 Years Together Barlow and his wife Margaret Burningham Barlow will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in a special open house, July 16, at the Golden Years Center, from 7 to 9 p.m. The couple were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple July And she had barely bounced on the Baby Bears wee little bed when she was engulfed by a cloud of allergy-causinlint particles. Then she only sat for a minute in the Mama Bears chair, because there was no way to tell if it had lead-fre- she could only exclaim, This porridge has too many chemical additives! Her reaction to the mother Macaroni and Vegetable Salad 2 cups (7 ozs.) spiral or shell home, While pasta has been enjoyed macaroni, cooked, drained lVz cups (6 ozs.) cubed for years in a variety of red and jack cheese white sauces served hot with broccoli pieces 2 cups meat, fish, or vegetables, cooks 1 cup tomato halves deliin cold it now cherry are serving 1 cup cucumber slices, cut in cious salad combinations. One half of these is Macaroni and VegetVi cup Italian dressing able Salad, which uses spiral of Combine a mixture ingredients, toss macaroni in Chill several hours or and tomato lightly. broccoli, cheese, overnight. Toss before serving. cucumber slices. To lend an Italian flavor to Makes 10 servings. Variation: Substitute this salad, the recipe uses Itasalad The ingrejack cheese with caraway lian dressing. dients are tossed with the dres- - seeds. their local county extension agent to get help and diagnosis. If you want healthier crops and higher yields from your garden, extension specialists say you must protect vegetable plants from harmful insects and plant diseases. Reed S. Roberts, USU extension entomologist, says insects are the number one cause of crop loss to the home gardener. But he acknowledges that plant diseases also can seriously afof your garfect the den. Proper application of the right pesticide at the right time will help your garden produce well-bein- g soft-bodie- mit virus diseases, Roberts said. Your garden can fall prey to a wide variety of insects besides aphids. Roberts lists grasshoppers, cutworms, leafhoppers and whiteflies among the many others. Grasshoppers chew up any available vegetation. Cutworms feed on the stems and of stalk-typ- plants. e Whiteflies affect tomatoes, beans, and many other vegetables. Roberts named insecticides that will handle most insect Di-pe- l, Nosema locustae, and Thiodan (endosulfan). He advises, always read and follow all directions and precautions on the label of spray material. Repeat applications as needed or noted on the label. EPei THE SIGHTS, SOUNDS AND COLOR OF HONG KONG TOUR FEATURES MONDAY-DRAPE- S y EACH WED. FIRST WASHER LOAD -- OCCUPANCY PER PERSON DOUBLE CLEANED PRICE IN COIN OPERATED CLEANER EVERY 099.00 8 DAYS FROM $899.00-$- l TRANS-PACIFI- mon-tere- y VIialuableIcou RIENCE harvest. Follow printed instructions on the container closely. If you are in doubt about which insecticide to use, or if you cannot identify an insect, consult your local lawn and garden center, Utah State University Extension Service, or your local county extension agent. They will help you identify the FAMILY -' , Note that spray materials should not be used just prior to mon-tere- y F2CJ. C GUARANTEED SUNDAY. FLIGHTS from LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO. DEPARTURES every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and OPTIONAL STOPOVERS in HONOLULU and TAIPEI. FIVE NIGHTS accomodations in Standard, Superior, or Deluxe Hotel -as Selected - in AIR CONDITIONED rooms with PRIVATE BATH. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST daily. TRANSPORATION between AIRPORT and HOTEL on ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE, including porterage. HOTEL SERVICE CHARGES and TAXES. FLIGHT BAG and LUGGAGE TAGS. PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING The SERVICES of one of Hong Kong's leading travel specialists to ASSIST you with information. te July and August Departures add 10.00 1 SPECIALS OFF 1 0 RIDE PASS 1 J w Iia . THE WORLD'S V MOST bOUNTIFULTNOODS . ($200.00 for moro per hur Information - . -- 10 L . . rates , amiable on the off regular price Bring to HYDROTUBE for SI. 00 SHIRTS 65 ORDER. 6-- 292-658- 2 expires LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING HVDROTUBE Mondav Niaht's Family Night $12.00 per family 9 p.m. UNLIMITED RIDES unlimited rl$r) and prlvoto pnrty ichodullng, toll for the price WITH ANY PROFESSIONAL parking lot. now PANTS-- 3 IS business Group 0 FLUME WATERSLIDE CROSS Tike tow church (roup. water fun, ot reunion to esjenence the ultimate in HYDROTUBE. 2020 S. S00 W. tipdretutilni on the Deoils Cross lion m Bountiful tdrotuii DOUBLE RADICAL au9u.i 31. 1983 j . nt problems in the garden: malathion, diazinon and Sevin (carbaryl). Other insecticides which he says may be used in the garden to control selective pests are: pyrethrins, rotenone, methoxychlor, Thuricide, them-properly- f. d leaves he says you must store He gives the following advice. ' Always store pesticides and satile compression sprayer. other agricultural chemicals in Tank sizes range from one to their original labeled containfour gallons to accommodate ers. Never transfer a pesticide small or large gardens. Comfrom its original container to pact hand sprayers and cor- beverage bottles, feed bags, dless electric sprayers are conopen buckets or other contain- venient and economical for ers. Be careful to protect the label on the product so the dipatio gardens. Adjust the nozzle for a fine rections for use and prespray to reach all foliage sur- cautionary statements remain faces. Spray until all parts of legible. the plant are covered, just to the Store pesticides out of reach Spray the of children, pets, and farm point of run-ofunderside of leaves where many animals. A dry, locked and bugs settle and plant diseases labeled cupboard, cabinet, storage room or shed is recombegin. Leafy plants such as cabmended. Provide adequate bage and lettuce must be sprayed thoroughly since insects setlighting and ventilation and avtle in the folds of the bigger oid sources of flame or ignition. Store and transport pesticides leaves, Roberts reminded. Dont rely on chemicals separately from foods, feeds, alone. Roberts says good gardrugs, or other edible products and from their packaging matedening practices are most important in the battle against in- rials. Be careful to prevent prosects and disease. Always main- tective clothing from becoming tain proper fertilization and wacontaminated by stored pestering practices and keep gar- ticides. Dont store items such den areas free from weeds and as respirators, gas masks, debris. Many insects spend the gloves and other protective winter in weeds and move to gear in the same immediate vegetables in the spring. This is area as pesticides. Always keep lids on and particularly true of aphids and stalk borers. Also select hardy, bungs tightened on pesticide disease-resistacrops. The containers. Periodically check healthier your plants, the less stored chemicals for leaks and susceptible they are to insect other problems. For additional storage inforattack and disease. But where do you put your mation such as shelf life and maximum or minimum tempeinsecticides, herbicides and funratures, check the pesticide gicides after using them? Howard Deer, extension pes- labels. If you are careful to properticide specialist, says that is an store for your pesticides, you can ly every question important gardener and farmer who uses reduce the hazards of these chemicals and you can protect pesticides. To reduce the potential hazards from pesticides and their value effectiveness, Deer to maintain their effectiveness, emphasized. pest and advise the best spray material, he said. To apply the pesticide in the garden, Roberts suggests a ver- more and better vegetables. Ragged leaf edges, holes, and curled or browning leaves indicate an insect problem in the garden. When you detect presence of a pest, try to identify it, Roberts advises. He says aphids are often enemy number one. They are common to most gardens. Nearly every plant is subject to infestation by one or more of the aphid species. Aphids may produce several generations during the growing season. The aphid is a slow moving insect. It comes in a of colors from pink to variety green. Aphids suck the plant juices, causing a loss of plant vigor and curling or distortion of the leaves. Besides causing plant injury, aphids also trans- SEE ALL THE MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE OF THE ORIENT IN ONE SPECTACULAR SETTING FOR YOUR ORIENT VACATION TALK TO THE PROFESSIONALS A FAMILY NORGETOWN 2195 So. Orchard Dr. Bountiful, Utah I IW AslllUN Wi At. I SCJI1AW WI si .11 SOI Mil SOIII It IN II Ml 1. All 111111 (801) 292-040- 5 I |