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Show ASHLEY VALLEY WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE OF MEETINGS The regular meetings of the Ashley Valley Water and Sewer Improvement Im-provement District will be on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. during the winter months and at 8:00 p.m.-during p.m.-during the day-light-savings months at 85 S. 200 E. The public is invited in-vited to attend these meetings. The dates are as follows: Jan. 7, 1981; Feb. 4, 1981; Mar. 4, 1981; Apr. 1, 1981; May 6, 1981; June 3, 1981; July 1, 1981; Aug. 5, 1981; Sept. 2, 1981; Oct. 7, 1981; Nov. 4, 1981; Dec. 2, 1QR1 Published in the Vernal Express Jan. 8, 1981. |