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Show - j FINAL 7 DAYS j ; I j; glte i ; ( I l ...it'll knock you out! PG sr ' r M 4-1 1 years olds $1 .25 Opens 7:00 , I 12 and over $2.50 Starts 7:30 ' rj' .i I I win Linema I Theatre 1 STARTS I THERE COMES A TIME I I JAN 9 1SS1 WHEN WE HAVE TO STAND " UP AND BE COUNTED. J THIS IS THE STORY OF ONE MAN WHO DID. AND LwAT sr. Mr. Wrong." j T vZTA JIU.OAYDURGH ! A MlCHAa DOUGUS j COIWJNG ATTRACTION: j Private Eyes J 3T011YRS.$1.25 STARTS 12 YRS.& OVER $2.50 7:30 "" '" w .pjmwi.- nmpjiimniiiiiiniii, 111 11 mm ' -"" " ' - 1 "' "" Wl inmiiwy jlT p i t ..fimm-rwii-iniiiir i nil" i in ii i iiii hi i i i hi mi nnima-iiM wulfr - j! 'SConiract Carpets Interiors, Inc. 1 j Vtflt" L Jul lis l N I' L;:ff Ii ill Lt)M WEEKS 1 I ' P . nn n n mlVi I li V S : Nf ' Sole itorti 9 A.M. k i f W U J f f J I Rlonday, Jan. 5 pi u ji I n r : ii 1 r inds7P.M. t M I 111 ! j Saturday, Jan. 17 m U'J U UIiMi 1 i J Each year about this time, it seems that every carpet in the day Jan. 17 and pick it out. That's it. Pure and simple. i ji world ; on ols. No, this isn't a sale on a special shipment that, by some miracio, (-! I'M And that happens to be our first point: no other carpet store in Utah was able to qet a hold of. jli ','! It only seems that way. . What we're offering Is the chance to buy the color you wont. h 'v t "" The fact of the matter is, once you get down to the store, it bw vH wort, and the quality you want. AT A PRICE YOU CAN k ; f doesn't take long to discover what's on sale is not on'y carpeting you Art-OKU ! , '' N don't want, but carpeting a lot of other people didn't want either. And no matter wh.ch carpet you select out of the hundreds and U Cra,y colors. Remnants. Discontinued pattern,. hun5 ef roS. m ock rt ean JTg. t !;1 Well, since Contract Carpets 4 Interiors ha. been doing things a VEN , AW 6fTITUI) TO A DISCOUNT. 3 little differently (and w. think, a little better) for the past 12 years. J Oor election, by h. way. .Mt lilted to corpna ol f ; this 25 off sale is an exceptional value since it is 25 off from last "diculously low prices, but also includes carpetmg at ndiculously Jj h year's prices. You say, how can we make such an offer after receiving 9 prices. ,;';v i " so ma.iy price increases? Here's how we did it! We made a committ- If you want the best there is, we'll sell you the best there it. 5j'. i; ment to ourselves and to our customers to hold the line on price as CQme ,he nfiers. Fir5t thi, $a, do not indu4, loir ; 1 long as we possibly could. At the end of 1980 we made volume , , . , l., 3 u . , T, , ,. , traded carpets by Karastan. f, V ( : purchases of over 75,000 yards. These huge shipments gave us ad- S-.' S i'M ditional discounts end reduced freight rates. WHAT EVER STOCK We sell a lot of it. F; j YOU CAN SEE ON OUR FLOOR YOU CAN HAVE ON YOUR - , . hS'i ;- FLOOR 25 OFF OUR SALE PRICE I We wan, to wl1 more i' ' J' v Example: Quality El Dorado (one of the heaviest cut and loop Second, the 25 off is on the cost of the catpet. The padding . - is fM saxony's we've seen) Space Dye multi-tone high luster nylon. Over and installation will be charged at regular prices. (We're looking to jr M 2500 yds, in stock - 5 colors. Reg. $20.50 sq. yd. SALE $16.99 sq. yd. win customers, not lose our shirts.) 'J q N0", Off 2 WEEKS ONLY $1 2.74 .q. yd. Many many Thirdj if you bring in ,hi$ ad you con forcef about l0Cond :k To get 25 off on any carpet in stock you want, all you have to qualifier. We'll extend the 25 off to the cost of padding. (We L-jj j, do is walk into our warehouse or showroom located just off the 1-15 mean it, though. You have to bring in this ad to take advantage of ! 'J. it-'i Freeway in Orem, Utah anytime between Monday Jan. 5 and Satur- this extended offer.) j ''J Main Showroom 'jb.NoloOW l liT . .j, - .ui.,i-- ,ita i L ! -S 135 So M-uni.n Way Owe Orem Utah 84057 I I I I Atk fr .n .bligaf on frM Mtlm.t. .n ; Orem. Ulnh 84057 Tel (801 1 225-3181 woll-fo-woH lnto(lofMn. t. .., j TbI 18011 225-7358 ktk about u product ond Mrvko (wniKtm f I 1 Corlf Qd Carpets & Interiors. Inc i If US 1 'U : S I . ' We make dreams come true! Sj Professionally k feeling of natural wonder captured in Moj . .,! rf i ';, designed KITCHENS 1 - -- " v. ' Vj- o.sr.iv w j r v at price, yeo KS.- . . 1 J-J.Wf'' ' -- p. j . fct can live with. . f lJ&&4-- , ;., j 1 I; I I, W h 4 K;? '. uiirni-T-ir I'W'i.'i' t llniri'fiilSSV' j3i ' i ; ' n uroi 9.e t f 5 1 SHOWROOM ."'is-.H.M U!l J'l'H Pfii 1 'lljSf' ' ''" ""'" - T"; H selection mmm . :i . :.!l total Cb3& L?h ! - ls r -t"5ki Li' ..!. f..i j : : H ""pons.b.utyI y4 tejM r;r-:L tJ CREATIVE -'V' I Ir ' ? ' iH'TrTr TrJL" - c"""f' " H design itt? ! 'tm! RlW- ri-A "o"t QUALITY NlWJiW Concoct Kitchens ss- rn- f-' I Contract Carpets (Interiors, Inc.! r I p' hi 135 S. Mountain Way Dr., Orem, 225-7368 . I ; , Xj' li. wj.i wkwiup .i .. L l iii.n.ni jipiii. i i.i i in.. i w.iiHi;i' |