Show four coulmas of an english paper very small type are occupied by the advertisement verti of i a ator A tor beaded one word to the af flirted I 1 EA tz A lady brou brought ight a child to a phy ph asician asician to consult about its precarious state I 1 of health among other things she in quiren if he did no not t think the tae springs would be usefull useful 1 certainly madam replied the doctor as he eyed eed the child and then took a pinch of snuff 1 I have not the least hesitation in in recommending the springs andi the sooner you apply the remedy the better you really think dunk i it would be good for or the dear little thin thing dont you 2 upon my word its die best remedy I 1 know alno that springs would you ou recommend any will mill do madam where you can get a plenty of snap find and waler aa 10 A dark colored man aca nc went I 1 lo 10 oP portland ortland maine and attended church lie ile went vent into a pew when the next neighbor to the man who owned it said what hat do you 3 ou put a into our pew for I 1 I 1 ager hes no nig er hes a hayi lien cant help that hes black as the ace of spades why sir sir hes a correspond corre 0 rit of mine cant help that I 1 te tell 1 I 1 you sou lies hes black 11 but he is is worth w orah a million of dol irs ars Is 7 lie he though thou gh IN TRO D UCE ME A is a breakfast and an ind india ia rub ber coat will il keep a man mai i dry all day ay iy our idea is ia says sa s a fellow that tha it got a shrew for a wife that womans comans Wo mans love loic la is like scotch snuff we ive get one pinch and enough ll 11 our old darkey says sas comans W Vo mans lub is is dingian rubber it stretch de more de more you rub rubber her 21 |