Show LIVE exl E BRAVELY the world ishall darkened with crosses AN whose hose burdens are weighing them down they croak of their stars and ill usage and ana grope in in the ditch for a cron why liy talk to the i v ind of thy fortune or clutch at distinction and gold it if thou canet reach high on th the ladder thou can steady its base by the hold bold for a flon hid bid in in the corner will as faultlessly finish its bloon bloom will IV ill reach for a sparkle of sunshine that the clouds have haie dot cot dared to consume s u m e and w thou be less than a flower with thought and a brain aa and d a hand why sit ait for the dribbles or of fortune when nhe it theres something that thess these may inay command amand 0 there Is food to ta be won from the furrow and forest that tha wait to be hewn there is marble untouched by the chisel days that break on the forehead of june will ill ye let the plow rust in in the furrow a home or a ha hall 1 r nor bid the stones wake fro from m their silence nor fret as it if fretting were all go learn of ef the blossom and ant aint hill the there therea es a something thy labor must give licht the beacon that pierces the tempest strike itri ke the cold from thy footing and lne live live not trail with thy face in in the dross heap I 1 in a the track of the brainless and proud lift the cerements cere ments away from thy manhood robbing the dead of a shroud theres words wens and theres pens to bewie oe ft laed theres thought that must die ie if unsaid thou saunter and pine away roses or a sepulchral dreams that are dead ro drag not thy hope to the pyre 15 dreams reams dead from the ashes will rise look n not ot down on the earth for its shadow abe there re is is in the skies |