Show from the Sa sandwich islands THE VOLCANO or OF MAUNA LOA the correspondent of the commercial delver liser account was published in the NATIONAL of yesterday writes from kailua under date of the fth about three am a m we e started to vl visit it the new stream which chich had been rushing down during the night and was gowing with intense beat it moved over oer the near our camp on reaching it we would stand by a small tree one hundred feet distant and as it advanced retreat before it in ill fifteen minutes the tree was reached burned and the spot pot where ar astol ws s tol covered b by the e tr am once while standing on a rock with level eveian al others perhaps two hundred feit feet from the stream a loud nudging ging noibe was heard as if the rock had bien beeb struck by an immense immense bledde hammer WO we started not inoa knowing ing bu but L was under and after us ua but soon boon found our alarm blann ground groundless les though the gioi e was wa probably caused by the the liquid lava running ning under the ground and suddenly filling falling up a cave beneath bi neath us A little after i singular scene presented itself tile the appearance of a man mail sitting on a rock and riding along on the top of the fiey lava stream so deceptive was vas this illusion that several of the party when it was first observed ed looked around to see if one of their number had not by accident got on to the stream the lif lifelike elike life e like image moved slowly along till suddenly his head tumbled off and the whole image soon disappeared the tract over which the lava laa is is now flowing is a barren waste uninhabited except by wild hogs formerly wild cattle roamed over it but they have been driven to the side of mauna kea which furnishes better food we are not dot aware that any valuable land has been overrun except it be near tile the village of where the stream entered the sea A second crater is said to have been in action for a short time at the com men cement of the eruption about a a mile above the present one but when this broke out the upper ceased and now sends out only a column of smoke it is is not impossible to get up to these craters and had our party been better provided for it some of them would hive have attempted it As it it was we were reluctant to leave without it the beauty of the eruption crup eruption tion as well as the fine panoramic view new obtained of the whole plain through which the stream flows flow s will amply repay the extra exertions required i red in in the ascent A lady lad residing in in honolulu writes to a friend in in sacramento as follows this is the tune time of times for you to be here if you like adventure you should have gone with a party of twenty three that thai started last tuesday the lt the volcano it has but buist st out again and according to all reports the eruption is is one ot of the most terrible known the th exact ciach lo 10 aliby of he w new ne crater is 13 not yet determined mi and some think there are several streams of lava a a flowing ng down the mountain in in different directions we shall know all about it hen willie leilli comes back the college has been clos I 1 ed and the rev rc professors and most of 1 the students have hae jo joined ned the exploring party to invade the domains of the goddess peli pronounced pale a as a in in fats fate now I 1 wish you could have gone these eruptions are awfully grand beyond any description imagine a vast column of fire thirty or forty feet in in diameter and a thousand feet high rising from the side of the mountain and falling down over inastri im and flowing slowly carrying e grything ery thing before it it destroying beautiful forests and filling immense immense gulches quenching streams or turning the water to a boiling heat such are these mighty streams arrs of molten lava and the lava as it is is thrown by the volcanic action is is carried by the wind for fifty miles and scattered all over the country in in the form of spun glass pelis hair bair as it is is called which the angry goddess tears in in her wrath |