Show motherhood I 1 saw a band corrothers oR of brothers move with slow and solemn tread their hearts are joined laties a ties of otiose love in hanty charity w ere wed w ed and types of light illumed the ray ra shone on the chasten chastening cha irig rod and I 1 in n the midst wide open lay th the e gospel of our god I 1 asked a man of four score years ears why after them he ran lie ile sa said d and feltel into tears they feed the poor old man lie said aid i I 1 once was sick and sad my aly limbs were racked with pain they came they comforted and clad the old man rose again I 1 asked a weeping wee pinc widow why she followed those before she said and wiped her weeping eyes they carne came unto my door they came alien all the world beside had turned from me and lied they came my wants awl a id woes boes to hide they gave my children blead I 1 asked an orphan boj boy ni why by he his eager lootens bend end ile he said aid they smile on all like me the y were w ere my fathers fi friends before lie died they dollied and leaf aed and all our gifts they gave ga e and when nhen we e wept for filber father dead they the threw gifts in his grave and such I 1 said are masons all I 1 friends bends to the needy poor poor they 1 neier view view a brothers fall they ge neier ver ershun shun ins his door and though itis said they are not tree free virtue and love are twins ins and the bestif best grace of charity chant hides multitudes mul of sins they the worship in the lodge of god secret and solemn there the they bow beneath his sacred rod Z and kd breathe a heartfelt prayer free masonry like womans comans love Is taught by b private rules so d deep beep t that bat should it public prove it t would w be sport for fools |