Show the social tyrants of the world there are small as well as great tyrants in the world there are oppressors pres sors in in social life not less than in political livaI it is not valy the subjects of the czar or the vassals of the russian kussian king who turn pale at a go frown and tremble when the anger of their master is aroused in thousands of domestic circles even in this free and enlightened land the hearts of women and children turn chill at the footsteps of husbands or fathers whose misgoverned mis governed passions in intense selfishness or brutal character make tyrannizes tyrannies tyr rai annies mies of the hearth atone of home so common is this species of tyranny indeed that many are guilty of it who mho would not only resent the im imputation hut but sincerely believe themselves inno innocent cen t the uncontrolled authority which the master of a household enjoys naturally tends to foster habits of self will and imperiousness m it needs not only the re restraining str vining influence of the strongest affection both as partner and as parent but the constant remembrance of the old greeks motto know thyself to avol cle degenerating generating in this respect and where these are neglected neither edil education cation nor refinement nor wealth nor position nor official authority tho rity is always sufficient to avert family tyranny in III some of our most splendid mansions not less than in dirty cellars is domestic oppression to be found the wife of the millionaire is often not less oppressed than the help mats mata of the beggar for it is not of physical tyranny that we speak as much as of that vil which billich lich is keener and more subtle of that which cuts to the soul of that moral despotism which is exercised by harsh words by cruel neglects by unkind acts by petty insults husbands go home and vent upon unoffending wives the irritation which the events of the day have produced would they dare to vent it on their partners clerks or customers ho originated it fathers push puh innocent children angrily aside aide or even eien strike them because annoyed by tl 0 r noise noise would donld they venture to lay hands on oil those those who try their patience a hundred tunes times worse in ili the constantly occurring vexatious occur occurrences ances of the day too often the household is is made to expiate all thit that th it the husband and father has had to endure abroad till wife or children learn to watch for storm or sunshine orl on his face with eager palpitating tating hearts too often the frown fron on the fathers brow banishes the smile from the mothers mot t berls lips hushes the prattle of the little ones and throws a gloom and constraint over 01 er the whole domestic circle oh in in how many homes there reigns s a silent crushing tyranny of chih it the world knows nothing which destroys everything ery thiD like happiness there and which pervades the moral atmosphere atmo phere 1 in n winch the children grow up as mias miasma i taints the air air hypothetically every man is is w willing illma to admit that tyranny thus exercised 0 ver over the innocent and helpless is is is as cowardly as it is is cruel hypothetically all will acknowledge th that a t to be a tyrant at home makes a man so far forth as much the oppressor as to crush a poland or hungary or to herd berd slaves slav es on the coast of africa but how few will concede even to their own consciences that they are themselves such despots it is is the curse of selfishness more than of most other vices that it con conceal ceas the sin from the sinner sinner and that the worse the man becomes the less apt is is he to see his error there are tens of thousands of oppressed w women omen and children all the way from maine to texas who have hai e no one to peak for them unless the hearts of the tyrants themselves could be softened this alas would bo be almost a miracle |