Show THOMAS S wiLLIA Wf lLIAMS IVIS ATTORNEY Y AT 17 will practice in all 11 the court sot of thea the to 1 I especially in the U S district courte and nl court C art he will PITO give efficient attention to til 11 arf I l ert en OFFICE wt alle of nl est east temple sti st opposite M illo rusell co enri G S L city nov NOT 6 1858 iff 1 U SAW LAW NOTICE A LEXANDER WILSON U S at 1 l lor for atah territory will it attend promptly to professional busia lu lutrus to bilm with dr jorney forney superintendent of 0 indian G S L city IT 7 it f I BE BEING ina desirous of closing out our extensive tork of iian we will pill he hereafter ft bell ei the bt st lonis Ree tilled wh X s kr at three collani and fifty cents pcr Sa tallon llott gift aili rl r ain i in n thia M haq ft 1 vo 1641 16 U LA LAGER LAG G E ER R BEERI k I 1 F R HOT will mil endeavor to furnish the superior WE malt Mili I 1 tors ot of the love above in 1 l quantities al to suli pure lasers moaned BEER ALE 13 or at our the rewery to tooM custo omeri elthor at beer oil si THE T I 1 canty oTiS fid SD arboit r 0 9 OF we have opened dining boons lit al tile me brewer chere her mealia can be procured at all hou we have secured a good supply of hay bay and ol cals 01 and ad an at bentive b th r 1 ready 1 litke care of an ll OU jtb 11 ll PRICES 1 cone of 0 the bi lilah ih p rice of n pw p W end and the ot of the them are as an single ssi gae ruedi nn ali 1 00 supper t kept d 2 for I 1 or al Ini IP f asi a fprd d of f bye hay arr head bad 60 i b it 11 n I 1 1 there pr for mil ver night N 11 the highee 1 lali st rash cash pr preces pra a pall for BARLEY and lur Ivr produce or of all kinds delivered at the brewery lr wery MOGO CO not ht cpr app point pirth ot mountain south or alt city SALT SAIT LAKE 1101 USE J JMES TO 10 proprietor prices of board roar board land and lodai pir kp 11 1260 11 B arl rd ith LI ligia gig 10 0 OB 00 11 Itoi irl 1 leidal pe it 2 flo S 11 PIT anil lodging 2 00 aai anal t 1 0 00 0 1 B 18 1 pt pi r night might liar hay and an 1 grain 2 0 0 P tuen to b ad 1 advage ad vale W S mail line pi OOT srjoseph sl SY joseph to lo great SaIl Lake iby chiy I 1 NOTICE is is hereby given that gg will not t ol 01 be carri 1 by us on any matlon 1 of 1 mall roula until entil turl notice and al d unit that the ari n and on the rouin are p torM r IJen n flin p g o rv he J M g U CO dao ont feb 14 arm hv P K X doton dot on acet MILLER MILLE RUSSELL ERUSSELL co WHOLESALE AND RETA RETAIL IL DE DEAI I 1 BS IN FOREIGN AND D DOMESTIC C I 1 iuis 1147 S AND ald c CPS 11 S STINUS liquors c 14 ac stock consists in in part of the tolt folt JL lowing articles nl vi tea coffee chewing chett ing tobacco sugar sn ar ace spire smoking g tobacco lob aico 6 ahot lot play dating ing cards pepper mace Chirl cinnamon artion ll rutin tg pg capi cap ac c c pale cognac drand brand monongahela aisy hi sy dark do do bourbon do new do rectified fled do gin port wine IV me KIAT Y GR 0 C ERIES french mustard mixed pickles durham do assorted to do assorted jims jams do gherkins do jellies piccalilli Pic colilli do syrups pickled onions do cordials cordiali Cor dials tomato catsup brand brandy peaches eaches walnut cat catsup d do 0 cherries mushroom catsup do pears cavenee pepper ass sor sorted te it west India Cellery seed preserves preserve spanish olives rhubarb pie fruit pepper sauce peach do assorted sauce A apple ale do do 10 nat preserves Presen cs ly unit do capers Ca pottes raspberry do natural arcs ed pines gooseberry do roast koast tarkey Ti irke blackberry brandy roast chicken Chicke tj raspberry raspberry brandy S string t rl beans ng rem lo 10 lobster ster green agne peas pickled do do 10 corn fresh clams assorted herbs Il erlis mince meat do 10 sweetmeats Sweet meats sausage meat meat natural preserved fiell fieh cauliflower pea peaches eh ca pickled do catl worcestershire sauce berries stoughton Bit bitters natural N preserved fresh silmon salmon damsons adamsons Dam sons fresh tomatoes mushrooms french pickles hostetter hosteller bitters carrigon Tar rigon vinegar Vin bakers 1 do I fields oysters le dwards do cove ove do royal windsor do pine agle apple cheese maraschino olive oil i Cu curacao assorted candies Candi esp raisins geltch scotch ale almonds 10 lon 11 1 ion 01 1 pr porter lIn 1 glish walnuts 1 te d S app brazil nuts golden grape Cognac Figs Pigs old virginia brandy prunes M mountain dew whis pecans ky crackers family supplies Crac Craz knells morning Mornin ff call E I 1 D cheese indian Queen maderia also it a large and well selected stock or of clothing hats and caps gents boots S 1 I ladies shoes no actions tio n woolen gloves ilie hosiery do mitts buck gloves do 10 lo do mitts stationery at do Gaunt letts all of which they offer upon the lowest terms tor for cash or country produce G S L city D I 1 fit at 1858 rf aff f A FE FEW IV good M mules ul er in exchange for AA 9 quoit W cam A n iv iv to 2 tf gilberta A CARD si S G S I 1 L oily no the would most id in they are re wildon still dolog if J bay b tl 04 their heir old and ad d li known olrik stand d in great groat baui sal sail i 1 44 11 1 I there here the most moitt goods adapted to tb it link i ol of 1 the people liay 7 always VY V be found the thay 14 idab libed a bouse at t camp floid fiod irba abe ir iii h hil tyle lyle of goods as kept here may be bab had dt at the 11 1 f rates tes it may byan bran object for thou 4 ing tl know th that hrycan cycan p procure vb IM t at t camp fiod floid it at the tamo samo po prices as an t they ii hii at t in this alt alty 1 thankful for fornier former pirt extended iby ii plo pie ilo ot of this territory they would f I 1 continuance of the name items t int in the be course of ten days we shall be able bl in j ti I 1 ir f lens v e concerti our trai tan lsne x ecal ec tl W 1 iy ay X M k 1 L A CART CARR 14 lm A B 0 0 KS E L L E R S 8 ta T I 1 0 SZ AND BLANK BOOK no 49 mal air ST iio ay t KEEP E E P constantly on hand all il r 1111 u books 9 griar gri H nr w w phat ahll abl reading bk lilt lil iorli 1 rles acee sc c i now 1 lu 11 1 billi th they at i iliin fit S wl m their toek of FOREIGN AND 1 DOMESTIC stationery BLANK B BOOKS u PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER 17 abe elected with iab the greatest care e ami d 1 to any lit th att having an ia E EXTENSIVE E N S I 1 VE DIN BINDERY DERy t to bor hey arin ii atul ill land ol 01 1 ulalia books k to lail nm di the 6 cortest not notice i cc 14 tf i 1 MOUNT VERNON HOTEL AT CHIP FLOYD dmn UT TERRITORY CHARLES HARRISON U T TRAVELERS and boarders can caad lay be lih an il aind appan JU itt m nn P 8 fer F er be pid th abe highee highe 1 tiia by j or klinl ki ol 01 ll 11 lt 1 NEW JUST received a full stok stock ot of 0 diwi GOODS rd ti preely for r n k 1411 1 it 1 ta A aup STRAYED or frow boidi poid 0 WI 11 ll blanchr llan chr our bior u will be idt ti fur ll 11 1 MF 10 it RADFORD CA jot t FOR OIL SALE SAIE SAI E i L r AGER ACER 13 e tr all al L ale in lobit lj it 1111 elfarr eli arr lit ol i ea 1 IT by li PJ 4 I 1 BAI FultI CABOT vt mt 10 tf 1 I foil SAIE 11 ONE 0 NE thousand Thou and head of SHEEP SH in ink in t 0 o 1 11 take in baal CH MORO 10 tt tf hot brew B ti I 1 U D we HAl IJES SO SOX va watib ata 11 MAKERS ft 1 4 L TS 1 WOULD r respect e p e c ti tull ully inform them thed 11 wn of MI llla cit a p rloyd M hale euid ironi from the ahr F knat t a air watch iain cronl and n will pre repair any wils ir r other oilier J to t fir rare care IM tj boi b oi atler t nl living lon kink kinkki tid doii aci ir abent at C camp aup flyd mil nd 11 p aply and rev arol ire e all clies placid in ills his baud tia 1 imi 4 clia rire clr carchi 1 81 L city Jalin dry aid 1859 I 1 10 0 tf if CHAS MAURICE URICE ATTORNEY TORNEY and ND COUNs AT LAW grout it take CUT icv utah s till BLAIR I 1 ATTORNEY AND COUNS alu A JIT 7 LA W J V ome comell H biou e st at apptt miller mill t 11 RADFORD HAU rORD CA canoe nox CO 0 t I at vital E AND RE 11 DEALE neatest 1 di GROCERIES DRY GOODS INDIO GOODS ETC i at the old stand ot mr howard afat re at salt SIta wa I 1 k aby A FEW light kanyon wagons for coraa il by 1 tt lt gsry 11 SALOON i T til HE E BAR AR is now furnished ditl larlie a nd choice itt of ahin r P ii ich g 1 e nd 1 t I 1 let I 1 hone tie desiring tring WHOLESOME en ii alff called callad 2 tf JOHN M COW I 1 ON 0 N the october last a small wild light reil red COW nolte bite face and a talk wy 1100 around he gnp horns we giving think 0 alie wa I edid attwood w n he linro li nrC 0 not certain men bring her to ift curtla curtis B F I 1 oard i a I 1 L ct y the he school llo well WORK CATTLE CA artie ji 00 Y YOK OKE of W work rk eade cattle ill in JL U J working condition for pale hale bv bt gilbart fc WW Bl ILLER RUSSET 0 I 1 wholesale hao ae avid retail dealers it i 1 FOREIGN DOMESTIC hoots boots shoes hats cap 1 WINES ANN ta d neri re now r complete of 0 goods in I 1 ll 11 their line arf I rf t been ce t t to 0 this llila territory whid which they low ow it r catli or L try 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