Show second judicial district couitt two PROVO march 22 1859 court met at 10 a m pursuant puru ant to adjournment men t officers present as a before clerk cleric read records of yeater yesterdays days proceed birgs n gs the coart ordered the criminals who were I 1 confined in the custody of the guard to be bought into his presence and aid alcased tb them em briefly in in substance as follo follows a ile court will willU aake ake occasion to inform he prisoners that on yesterday it di discharged the grard graid and traverse lc averse juries the reasons which bich induced the court to adopt thia this course are that it has been fully convinced that the commus ity here were endeavor hg g to use the court for improper party purposes T ahat tat persons who aho wei e of their own party thorah guilty of the most zenlous crimes known to the laws and to humanity were protected screened and secreted ficia justice those who ho were not of their society had no norcy K nor justice to expect fron froia tsieia the ti court regrets the necessity that bas bag induced it to adopt its present course and admits that justice damandi that you ouE should houd be tried and punished for those crimes of you might be found fou id guilty guilt but prisoners ba hae e rights as well ivall as the tha public arid and the court is unwilling to permit itself to b be prostitute prostitutes J to the vile ilc purposes of insincerity you re rc therefore discharged from cus pdt tie court having on yesterday resolved asef self into a committing court proceeded to hear the testimony te simony morly against again stA A r F mcdonald an and d others other for the murder ot of the Parris hes an ard 1 I potter abol gh strenuous eff effonia birts are doubtless being made to suppress the testimony in in this case atron strong ei evidences of its final dev de elop ment begin to manifest themselves and dis closes an almost incredible state of complicity ty in in crime alj ap Is a astonish astonishing g to thinly that an almost entire community could lend themselves as accessories access aries to the perpetration of so horrid a deed we understand that there are about one thousand troops camped tonight to night in the vicinity oi of provo this unexpected expected ur movement is 13 attributable I 1 suppose to the great anxiety manifested by the mayor maor of this city for fear his indignant ant C citizens citi ins yens might murder the small military posse that had bad been ordered here to take charge of prisoners and the necessity to which he had been driven of 0 calling out an additional police fore force e of men in order to prevent the dire event the court hail had no intention of 0 taxing the good people of Provo with the expense of keep ing such arx are enormous police on its account and I 1 have no doubt but the city authorities will be informed at an early opportunity if they have not been already that the court is able to protect itself from the violence 0 of lawless indignant citizens and that t their el r pa powerful police is unnecessary especially as they are known to be the most indignant of the crew we do not think that court will remain in session many days longer unless the testimony in the numerous cases of murder known to have been committed in the dis triet should become more accessible access able abIe P S mose alose and looking glass can scarcely realize the change they are quite overjoyed at the idea of regaining their liberty U T march 23 I 1 court met pursuant to adjournment the testimony of 0 several witnesses in the parish case was heard some new items are being ga gathered every day tn in relation to this matter and new parties connected with it the evidence as it now stands elands implicates persons high in in authority in the church and so BO tar far as others may have been concern ej ed they only acted the part of slaves doing the will of their masters it now appears that bishop hancock IIan coel of payson johnson of springville Spring ville and pres J y C snow of this place have acted a conspicuous part in in these bloody tragedies several attempts have been made to arrest two of them but they have managed to e lude elude the vigilance of officers warrants have been issued for severa several I 1 others who mho are implicated but they cannot i be found tha ile town of springville Spring ville has been quite destitute of its male inhabitants for the last few days this as every other circumstance cum stance goes to prove their guilt they even look guilty and in the eyes of all honest men and women they must ever appear appeal so the mot most strenuous efforts have been made to suppress the testimony in in these cases the lives of witnesses hi have ive beer been threatened and their theat property seized on some trifling pretext immediately after their testimony was given and ana a degree of terrorism exercised which can only be appreciated by those thoe who feel it judge cradlebaugh Is a severe thorn in the 61 sida de of mormon chicanery and duplicity and charges crime crime horn home upon those who ho are its real authors the I 1 mormons cormons appear disconcerted they had hoped to make maice a pretty thing of it by b dilly dallying tor for two or three months at the expense of the general government as they have done heretofore charging large fees for services and supplies guarding persons ac but they have been disappointed appointed dr in in these expectations the court baling baing no disposition to prostitute itself to the th position of a gewgaw tor for the lh amusement and profit of a hord of outlaws out laws perhaps the modern prophet may yet find it more difficult to establish his system or of buddhism Budd STi upon this continent than be h at first bret supposed ased though at tilt the rate of human slaughter that las has been practiced for the last two y years ears it is la quite certain that it would not deiure ie alre many more years year in winch which to sacr sacrifice ilice the entire population of the territory I 1 wid and yet we see no evidence of his having bettered tle the condition tor dilion of his people the ine poor indian is more temperate in in his practices for thou though ph they occasionally anally sac i neice their horses and sometimes times their prisoners to appease the wrath of the great S spirit on the occasion of the death of n some ifa favorite orile wa warrior bior Y yet t their conscience conscience revolt reit it at the t w wholesale ho leBale but butchery burcl clery try of their mormon neighbors over whom hom the delicate sentiment ciment of conscience seems to have lost its influence B bro to brigham sets out upon his career in in i life by admiring the constitution of the united states winch he be i is pleased to style I 1 the offspring of divine inspiration and which inculcates the doctrine and guarantees guaran tees to her citizens the privilege of regulating the 1 node mode cf his worship of the divine attributes by the dictates of conscience but would you learn how bro brigham has demeaned himself under this provision of instrument for which he himself claims a divine origin turn over a few files of the deseret news aws and I 1 think you will find him discoursing in substance as follows when the doctrine of a plurality pi of wives was first announced by the prophet joseph Smith st ni at 11 jt t was so revolting to my feelings that Il really wished myself dead and if there ever was a time when K hen I 1 prayed fervently for the lord to remove roe me from froin the earth it was then here conscience refused to dictate and left the prophet no constitutional authority for accepting epting the new doctrine but vice though frightful and hated is a monster with which we may become familiar and then the embrace and conscience is is a delicate monitor with which we cannot trifle with impunity A MUSICAL PRODIGY albert jones a youth auth about 17 years of age of foreign birth bit h and humble parentage has been giving temporary concerts in in vocal music for the last few evenings at the quarters of dud ley for the entertainment ol of the officers and their friends ile he is looked upon by all who have heard him as quite a prodigy in in vocal music possessing great compass of voice conjoined with feminine feml nina sweetness ile he certainly possesses the charming gift in a most eminent degree and has exercised a fine taste in his bis selections of moral and sentimental pieces ua U T we talce take the following extract from a sermon delivered by brigham young loung aug 21 1852 1832 together with extracts fro from revelation Ile purporting to bo be given give to ha j a b ph smith in 1813 and published in 1 the 1 deseret news extra of sept 11 1832 i I 1 some soine are aie endowed vilh more diore in oral c ame age than others I 1 know the spirits 11 i j generally are inclined to weakness and andai 11 dence and an I 1 all benj men more or less f fid ce 1 n 4 0 own n weakness and inability ty the ahe elder e tit tt V israel especially feel the pi cI of act of people healing down upon ill their e it a si cirit ints k when they onie one open their mouths mouth S ami and that joseph is a prophet such a flood aa y 11 ligh lightal tat once onca comes upon pon them that mhd t they of dt t ready to ask no odds odda of all the world a t B in preparing to make this declaration ti fh t hearts tremble ard and their knees smite it if other almost like belt after each it 8 have once stai stalled ted t they hey are I 1 n deren they enough 1 W I 1 suppose suppose some of you have an eap exp expend V on this subject one of our ee j I 1 am acquainted after lie he got baat laed la I 1 cornered up and was obliged to arc cr I 1 2 1 sermon lie he never had been able to c that he knew joseph v was as a prophet butay bun aa he c w was as there in in the meeting the hu h liams u 80 a 8 e core the c negation on nt gation the is indo aas ai and doors full of people and all around of 01 the k 9 areen waiting to hear a mormon preacher was nona there but this ibie one me man n anil and he was called upon to preach he be abol gilt biti be would could pray arid and d dismiss I 1 8 ir 1183 t the 11 e me meeli ti i never had known that joseph was a aris pio I 1 i b t that was the lion that lay in his path and he could not nat get by him nor round about him nor dig under him nor leap over him and tl th e lion he must meet he must 0 joserh for better or worse As too aay e got joseph out its is a prophet was wai th ii next hext aid ai d from that his tongue was loosens loosa ed and lie he continued talking D u tearie te arii down the lord pours out hiis his spirit dupca man man when he testifies that that thea the lord it gi gives es him to testify of iron from that adly dwin tb this 1 he bc has never been at a iniss 1 M to know that jos joseph epli iva was 9 a prophet I 1 1 heart flaked and that h baa as been tle tl e case f with a great many others i when brother joseph revealed the eat mystery of being baptized tor for the deab aid not a great many of the elders of had think then Momo nisin cannot endure it will ill be overcome lvery every item of 0 doctrine b broiher rother joseph lias has brought forth had ta t meet with opposition from the in world or I 1 d we TA all know that it comes in in contact with set sec influence and every other influences t that hat is not direct from god when the elders went forth the priests oil sup posed they could easily put pu them do down n but when A hen aliey undertook to substantiate the doc I 1 trine of baptism for tle the dead were the priests successful ful in confuting their car fineu efti merta 1 11 ts nol noli I 1 the doctrine has ride rde t triumphal I 1 I 1 u aly y 6 er a sectarianism what chat I 1 mean b by 1 ia 11 false religion ligion te ard and it is is so tar far from beings put to silence by all the rest of the world that it is as popular v here er you ou go as any 1 doctrine taught it is is as readily aw ay lybel believed bell Kved eved ari i you canders can ders tat bvm tin fin I 1 in make ke i with ith regard to the gospel tint that many thi w aich were heir re lev aled through Jost cime came in in contact with our oar 0 own w predicts Pre dices 1 did idt ka know how to un understand d stand them ii 4 mettr ferto to myself tor for an in tance I 1 never persuaded that god would scud sei d every to a lake of effir fir a ard rd brimstone brims brim sone one to ile 1 fd d by the devil to ail eternity tor for my 1 hh bin hii he might commit which thich was mas treza the ix t trine rine Ilan banded fed down after all my traditions oti were sut b that when the vision came first to me it was so directly contrary a ind 0 to my former education I 1 said wall wait a iett t I 1 old not reject it but I 1 could not understand under stani it I 1 then could feel NN hat incorrect tradition had done for me inc suppose all that I 1 lime ihan ever heard from my priest and parents way they taught me to read the bible ha bad been true my understanding would be beail cla metrically opposed to the d ottrine revealed in the vision I 1 used to think and pray to ti read and think until I 1 knew and n fully understood it for myself by the visions vision of the holy spirit I 1 at first it actually came in contact with v h my n ay ow on though I 1 never could believe like the mass of t the he christian vi world orld around me but I 1 did erf cd know how nigh I 1 belie beliech cd as they il did id I 1 found however hoi er that I 1 was so nigh nigh I 1 aou shake hands bands with them any time T I 1 wished you heard br pratt state this morning that a re revelation elation would be read this afler noon which was given previous pr erious to Josep josephs bo death it contains a doctrine a small portion of oe the world is opposed to but I 1 can deliver a prophecy upon it though that doctrine has not been preached by the elders ta this people have believed in iii it for years tile tha original copy of this re rev elation was burnt up william clayton was the nun dian who wrote it from the mouth of the prophet in the meantime I 1 it t vt was as in bishop possession lie ile wished wish edthe the privilege to ch it which br joseph grated granted ma burnt the original brigina I 1 the reason biffi tion lion this ghisi is because that the people an did know of the revelation suppose it not now in existence the revelation will la be read to you W principle ciple spoken upon by br pratt this morning we ve believe in and I 1 tell yoi lt I 1 know it it will sail over arid and ride triumphantly above all the prejudice and prieth craft of the day it will be fostered and anit be lieveld in by the more intelligent I 1 portions ot of the world as one of the best doctrie doctori Is ea eief e proclaimed to any people your hearts wea id not beat you need nee not think that a his co coining ming here to tread upon the sacred libutt abe w which aich the constitution of our country gulf 1 a bless unto us for it atwill will not be the wib have known long ago even in br josea days that he had more wives than ont 11 one of the senators in Congress knew twy well diche opp oppose lt kol buthel wl been our friend all the day clay long e chally upon that subject lie he said pointedly pointed to hi friends it if the united states do not aila that very method let them continue as W now are persue the precise course t hey at now pursuing and it will wil come 0 e to t thise this isy 1 their generations will n not live until t they e are a 30 years old they are going in to destruction disease is spreading so s fast 8 among amon the t 9 of the united states state that they are km tabi rotten lotten with lita lt it and sn in a few vears they y bola rone y sald said lle lie joseph has introduced are abst st plan for restoring and establishing ith th and long life among men of any 8 0 tg tile earth arid and the Alor cormons mormons mons are a oil oil and virtuous people eop I 1 e v go ery didy others oil 1813 are of 0 t le ie same mind they |