Show TWO NEW LAM vens IN charleston H T averill averil esq I 1 who claims to be a member of the new york bar but who has been in inthe the custody 1 of the sheriff for the last few days was on saturday released mr avenal was arrested by deputy sheriff hen iricks dricks and detective police officer boe upon information received through telegraphic dispatches des patches signed by john livingston Li ingston esq also a member of the ew york bar charging said averill with fraud and larce larceny nyc letters to many of our respected citizens were produced by averill and able council were 0 engaged n ga e to t take ike up the case lie ile was brought brou h before bea ore his homr judge munro tifer on a writ ri of habeas corpus and remanded for a further farther examination on the arrival of mr livingston the counsel of averill got out a bail writ to the amount of to hold livin livingston gs ton to answer to a charge of libel the ler was set aside by the judge or on the ithe ground that the prosecutor was entitled to the protection of the court on saturday mr livingston withdrew his bis charges and the attorney general dismissed the case it is now said that both averill and livingston will return to new york as amicable traveling companions charleston iverc atry jan sief |