Show HONESTY or OP A RUSSIAN SERVANT an english w woman oman baho M ho lie held id an zip appoint point the emperors winter palace delivered to a carrier five kundred hundred rubles a rubb is is about seven pence english money to carry to her daughter m wha bg lived at some distance next neat day the man came canneto cai neto to the lady kissed her hands and said Forc rive me I 1 im am in fault I 1 have lost your our knolley mone I 1 k know giov not how and have starched searched evelynn everywhere here but cannot find it do with me what hat ou on tint thil R proper the lady who had bad no aih to ruin the poor fellow put up with the loss oss said nothing about t the he matter and some time afterwards entirely jost lost sight of the man on his removal 6 to another part of the die palace at length six six years after the occure occur occurrence ence e just related he went to her one day with jo ous counte countenance nanc e and in in the mot most cheerful mood and counted out upon the table the five f e hundred rubles which he had bad lost by his carelessness on her inquiring how he be hid had ra raised ased such a sum he told her lie he had denied himself every ei cry indulgence and saved so much of his monthly wages till he had at last scraped together three hundred rubles As he had lately obtained a better situation and higher caps wages he had bad found himself in in a condition to marry his hi wife wie had brought him one hundred rubles and other little valuables ire he had bad persuaded her to gj g e up tip these ar a r nicles and disposed of them afung g his comrades and the produce of these made up tile the sum v bich he now repaid as a debt which had weighed heavily upon his mind for foi six si years As the honest fellow was not to be persuaded to take back his money the en Lii glish lish lady whose head and heart were ere likewise ill in the right 1 place put the money out to interest and made it a gift to their firszt child |