Show bea ELATION I 1 am the lord thy god and agave I 1 gave unto cheery thee the ery my servant joseph an appointment and restore all things ask what ye will 1 11 arid and it shall be given give unto you a according to jal my word and as y ye have asked concerning adultery ul altery tiry verily verily I 1 say eay unto you louif if a non mib receive lh th a wife in the new and everlasting covenant coie nant and it if she be with another man inand and ill I 1 haie ai e not appointed unto her by ule 1 I anointing she hath committed ad najt be destroyed if she be not in the new new and everlasting co pliant nt and she t te be another mar she a has commit committed td adultery and if her husband be with another woman and he was under a vow lie he hath trolen 1 11 1 hia is vow and hath committed adul my and d if she hath not committed adultery t la i innocent and hath not broken her I 1 tow an and d she kno it and I 1 reveal it IL L unto 4 3 ray my servant joseph then shall you othave have k Tt iby by the power of 01 my holy priesthood i to take her and give her unto him that hath bath not adultery but hath been faith fu abor he shall be made ruler over many for r 1 I 1 have conferred upon you the keys and and of the priesthood w wherein herein I 1 restore I 1 it things and made known unto your ou all t things gs in due time 0 ip verily aly I 1 gay unto you ou a I 1 XI L unto raine mine handmaid emma smita your lie PI whom I 1 have haie given unto yon on that she tay herself and partake not dot or of that which i I 1 mm you you partake to 0 offer unto her for I 1 did 1 it 11 saith the ard X ord to pro e you all is as I 1 did wanaca wa naci and that I 1 might require an oser jing sat at your hand by covenant and sacrificed sacrifice i ti and d let mine handmaid emma smith receive all dose th that it have been given unto my tr avant joseph and who are virtuous virtu oui and I 1 pure before rne me and those who at aie e not pure arid na have said they were pure shall be ties dea troyed said tiivi lord godfoy god for I 1 am the lord thy god and ye e shall obey my voice and I 1 give eive unto my servant joseph joseh that he shall be made i uler luler over many things tor for lie he hath been faithful over a few things and from henceforth I 1 will agthen him and I 1 command mine handmaid emma smith to abide and cleave unto my servant joseph a and to 0 o none else but bat if she ap not lot ald abide e una his commandment she shall be destroyed saith the lord for I 1 am the lord loid thy god and will destroy her if slie she abide not in in my law but if she m mil ill not abide this commandment then shall my servant joseph do all things for her even as he hath said and I 1 w will ill eless bless him arid and multiply him and give unto him an hundred fold in this corll v orl 1 of fathers and mothers brothers and sisters houses and lands lai da wives and children and crowns brownt of eternal lives in like eternal worlds and again verily I 1 say let mine handmaid forgive my servant joseph his trespasses and then shall shebe forgiven her trespasses m wherein I 1 brein she he hath trespassed against me and I 1 tile the lord thy god will bless her and multiply her arid and make her heart to rejoice ciz and again I 1 say let riot not servant joseph put his property out of his hands lest an all enemy come and destroy him for satan see ketti to destroy for I 1 am the lord thy goj god arid and lie he is is my servant and beroldi beholds and lo 10 I 1 am with him as I 1 was with abraham thy father even unto his exaltation and glory row as touching the law ot of the priesthood there are arc may ma y things pertaining thereunto ve verily rily if i a man be ca calle le I 1 0 of my lather father as iva was s aaron by b mine own on voice and by tile the voice e of 0 hini him that ant me ine and I 1 haye have endowed him with the key a or the power of this priesthood if i lie to do anything ll 11 my n name ame and according to my law ati and by my word lie he ivill not commit sin and I 1 will justify him let no one ali therefore there defoie foie set act on my servant joseph for I 1 will justify him for lie he shall do the sacrifice which I 1 require at his hands bands fur for lna his trans transgressions the lord your god and again gelan as aa pertaining to thi the e law of the I 1 priesthood it if any man espouse s a virgin a and desire to espo espouse ruse agoti another ier and the first agne ive her consent and it if lie he espouse the second and ald they are vir virgins g ins and have vowed to no other man tl ei is lie justified he be cannot commit adultery for they are given unto him for he cannot commit adultery with x illi thac line that belo belonge ngeth lh unto him arid and to none else and if tie he have ten urging given urto toto inn by bv tins this law lie innot annot c corni commit nit adult adultery ery fur for they belong to him and they ahr are given unto him therefore is is lie justified j lut but lr it one or either of tile ten tell virgill after she is 13 espoused es shall be with another ai olier man inan slie she has committed adil adultery tery and shall be des dea for they ire are given unto him to multiply and replenish tile the earth according to my mv t and to fulfil fulfill the drori promise jie ibeth hiah was vas given by my lather father before alie four batio i or ol the wor IJ and for their exal tation in f eternal worlds that ill they ey ill may 1 boar bear th the e souls of men for foi herein is 11 the 1 ol 01 orl of mv father I 1 continued conti aued that lie he may li be leonael eo loi and again vei ily verily I 1 say unto iino I 1 if any min man have a avi ire reho nho holds tile toll leva s I 1 tf E tas io power er a and nd he teaches unto 11 her er t tua I 1 law or of LIT priesthood 1 as pertaining to these the alm gs then shall rb she believe end crid irminis ter unto him or she ahall be destroyed saith I 1 the lord your god for I 1 will destroy ber bieri t for I 1 mill ma hanif ni m naine e u upon pon all the th e ilir ho ind abida alel in ny iny law it shall br be a fill ill in me mcf if slie lie rebie roiene not this law lai ifor for linn him to recene receive all things ti lings whatsoever I 1 the lord his ria god will gli agne e unto tint linn him because she did not believe and ana I 1 administer unto him according to my word A ord arid and she ehe then becomes the fie tra transgressor bressor ami and lie ho is 13 exempt from the law of sarah abo I 1 administered unto abaaham according to the law lav ahen lien I 1 commanded abraham to take 1 to wife ife and now as pertaining to una this lax lau verily verily vanly I 1 say unto you J m mill ill reap al more unto aou ou hereafter there fre foi e let this thia tor for tile the present behold I 1 I 1 I 1 am alpha arid and omega amen I 1 |