Show theatrical notice j CAMP fiovo V U T y march 1839 I 1 on n saturday the alt the dramatic association presented five act tragedy tile the robbers the cast w vas as very good and brought out the available strength of the company it was as follows charles tie de moor mr R C white francis ci a de moor mr ir 11 K thatcher Tb atcher count de moor I 1 mr J rutledge mr air 0 L baldwin switzer mr W warren roller noller mr J shaw erie erle mr jimile rasman Ras Bian mr air IV 11 II jones herman mr IV 7 craw cram ford grimm mr A thorn commissary mis sary mr J W S smith mith kozinski mr S meyers meters daniel mr 11 II marion amelia mrs tuckett mr white as the robber chief displayed greit great histrionic power both his acting and reciting were very verv go good A lie ile ga gave e such stis satisfaction is to the audience audien that ha was w as clamorously 0 r called tor for at the fall of the curtain lf he e onslow did not appear in in of an accident dent which happened to mrs tuckett in the last scene which milich stunned her luckily site etie was not seriously hurt mr air thatcher in ill the distaste distasteful rul dutart part of francis de moor was ag ver very successful nsf mr air rutledge was 0 out ot of his lineas al the count but in the last scene with ith his son hn his acting was appropriate and effective M ars baldwin caldw in warren and shaw loolu ed well and acted their respective parts with great vi visor ot mr air crawford as aa herman was very respectable pec pc table it is is a character not at all suited to him film we were rather disappointed in in mrs tuckett as aa amelia with the exception of the last scene acene in ivsich she was waa really ally good the rest of the characters were sustained with tolerable ability the various costumes wera rood good and this th e ir first attempt at tragedy must lie be conal considered dered very vary successful after which the farce of my bly neighbors wife 12 mr air somerton air 11 K X thatcher mr air timothy brown mr air J shaw khaw mr jonathan sui smi t th mr air C northrop mrs somerton mrs whitlock mrs brown miss whitlock lock mra ais smith rai mrs westwood wi with I 1 h such a cast as this the farce must succeed mr air thatcher was cool and gentlemanly mr northrop Noi Not has a look so BO comic in itself that before he speaks laughter is inevitable his dress dresa and make up not forgetting the shirt collar was admirable mr sha shaw was as usual excellent this farce which brings out three of the leading comic actors is a very good one and will always be a favorite with the audience there are no minor parts IN which too often by being bungled detract from the merit of the pie odla the ille acting of the ladies was only in moderate tc in it f fact act i in 11 point 0 1 n t of f talent they shew a lamentable de deficiency bici ency in comparison mith the malefactors male actors in taking a retrospective view of 0 the season ason which has now dow been bi ought prematurely to a close because of the scarcity of money we may venture a few remarks the military dramatic association deserves great credit for the exertions they have made for the entertainment of the public tragedy comedy and farces have been severally era 11 produced oil c e d some dinne with the highest success I 1 taking in lu lailo sto consideration tile the biffi culty of obtaining obtaining the necessary materials lor for the wardrobes viar drobes scenery ac with ill very small means they have obtained the most satisfactory results this could only have r been cell effected by the indomitable perseverance arance erance they have displayed displaced throng through hoat oitt and by the kindess of the officers in lending leiding articles article which it was impossible to purchase it ifould be difficult to find my any amateur association hose members generally speaking could allord afford to be judged I 1 y a high higher r standard stan laid daid than alis arid and some of them ke would bear favorable comparison with men mho make D k acting t their profession during the recess the association will be enabled to carry those plans for the improvement of the theatre into execution winch litch have been contemplated some time tima it is is their intention to have two private boxes fitted up up also to lower the stage and to make various various alterations which mill lull add to tile the comfoct t and accommodation of their patrons A due notice of this will mill be given and also the time of cil re ann openings g 11 RAMA DRAMA 11 the following are the remarks re marlia of judge cradlebaugh upon the occasion ot or his releasing the grand jury from farther service bervice |