Show is IN A SCHOOL ROOM the is responsible fit f r the follo following xvi g come com e here george Georg elwish I 1 wish to examine me you in in punctuation that george that a comma ML mh tress right now vi hats that george ah now youve got me here my hairs short 1 I 1 dun kno klao mistress george I 1 do not wish you tp to use any slang phrases here when you are unable to give correct replies ro plies say so but bat do ilot repeat such phrases as that which you have just used now that george 1 I dun ino M mistress is tress dont know what that is wily why a period george looking critically at the point in question ila ha ha hat hal no now ive got you where your hairs bairs short that aint only a fly dirt mistress bistre ss re critically george georg you are dismissed |