Show story of the girl who Wh ollas IV as burned to death in cincinnati IIER hen SECOND we vve never neier read a i 0 y more mor e sad than that of josephine ison A few months ago ago she was as a beautiful fuI lovely pirl girl the pet et of an honorable family in a village A wretch seduced her ber aud persuaded her to elope with win linw aar cincinnati where lie he son s on deserted her after vainly seeking other modes of life she entered a house of aa in but her soul revolted at the alem ahlan darkness of such a life she ii nas as too disconsolate to please her visitors vi loo cheerless cheedle che erle s to make friends with her heartless companions at lenth length len th last eek she ed her heart to one of t the inmates of the house who A ho sympathized zed with her by her advice sh ahe resolved to return to her deserted home bow cow for repentance before her outraged parents and atone by a life of merit for months of shame an omnibus driver was directed to call for her and her trunk left at the office that night the house took fire from a heater in the cellar all the inmates escaped but b t one in the in morning 0 riling the firemen too took c from 1 the ruins the charred body of josephine ellison t llison jutt just as she was being borne away ray an omnibus was vas driven up with her er neatly lettered trunk on board but the ae contemplated passenger lud taken another another journey journey josephine was rw buried in the C city lot an ali itinerant minister per performed forme the services four professed followers of that jesus who said to the weeping beeping ee ping magdalen woman thy sins s are forgiven thee were asked to do it but refused they felt 1 I am holier than thou art the night after the burial the die police caught three men coming from the graveyard carrying a heavy bag and pursued them they dropped the bag and ran on being taken to the office of the mayor it was wa found to contain the blackened remains remains of the lost pariah to whom even in in death repose was denied the w ere arrested several of the frail sisters of the unfortunate girl sa says ys the the cincinnati enquirer having de determined ter mined as has been stated to 10 bury the poor girl the second time the rev G T flanders of the first church in a true Chri christian tian spirit offered to preach the funeral service service i aich tool took place at that edifice on plum street although no public notice had been given of the e event t 1 t the church was nearly full fall before bedfor e t the h e appointed time lime and when the hour arrived it was difficult to obtain a seat scat the company tom pany as may bo be supposed was and singular in m its character coin composed posed of true Chri chretian tian me nion and women idlers courtesans courte sans gamblers gentlemen profligates and philanthropists all deeply impressed with the solemnity of the of the service by a hurried glance lunce a stranger might have thought it a fashionable M wedding adding perhaps as lie he percee perceived ed carnage utter after carriage drive drie up and deliver inage their elegantly dressed innia inmates tes 11 in front of the edifice observation tion however discovered by the sad s ad faces ard the sorrowing sorrowing eyes that it was no DO occa sion of of joy the rev mr air flanders sermon sennon was elegant and touching f from roin aits its simple truthfulness and sank into every heart god he said was all love that he had destined every human crea te ture for heaven and none had bad reason to despair ile he alluded to the attebe dents of the poor girl and to the aniser miserable t life she must have led since her false step had brought ineffable affliction to her soul As he spoke many persons wept and we saw strong men bend their heads to hide the starting tear while i the poor women to whom his words I 1 were alive with truth sobbed like child I 1 ren we have rarely witnessed a more i impressive scene all appeared to be held in sympathy and the arrid erring daughters of shame to be re creater for the time and to have repented of their sins their hearts heart were purified doubtless in that hour and the tablets of their souls sollis i washed clean with atoning grief alas if some good angel could have held them them in this mood and spoken in in a voice voice not to be disobeyed go back no more those women doomed to a life of misery and reckless gaiety were nvere a spectacle and study as their tears ran through I 1 their heir delicately gloved and richly jewel I 1 led fingers and their breasts heaved with the first genuine and sacred emotions they had known for months it may be for years some of them were gaily atti attired and their cheeks blazed rouge and e looked sin steeped d hardened but the mot mo t of them were plainly attired and their fa ures bore the subdued expression that sorrow ever yields A number were young and very handsome and he who nho had been ignorant of their profession would not have dreamed of their frailty the co coffin effin of solid rosewood with silver mountings was vas exposed near the altar and the undertaker removed the lid that those i dio who wished might gaze upon the dead many of the vulgarly curious curious rushed forward but the loretter lor ettes moved not they only wept the more ablina ani in a few moments followed the corpse silently 1 and with now new gushing tears the c coffin off I 1 a was placed in the hearse and as the inanimate clay of another marie du plessis moved forward to its I 1 second tomb the crowd stared for a minute and separated the sexton closed 13 lh doors of the church the sun looked down brightly upon the cortege and even upon the coffin of the poor girl betrayed upon burned dead buried and exhumed and the funeral of the poor lorette was over |