Show new jersey judges there then is is a scriptural simplicity about the following foll twing biving which is is quite ref refreshing and carries carnes one back toi to an times A distinguished member of the new york bar was retained on on one 13 occasion Occa by a friend also alo a new yorker to attend to a complaint made against him before a new jersey justice for an alleged assault and battery upon one of the residents of the old jersey state stale 1 I appear for the prisoner said the counsellor to the modern you abbens for de br isner do you and abo ft bo den be you ou 1 interrupted the JU wit cc eyeing him fron from head to foot with marked curiosity 1 I ton t knows you ou vair hes bes you ou come fr from and aid lots yer name the counsellor modestly gave his name came and said 1 I am a member azember of the new york bar 11 veil den replied the justice you gant brackis in m dis here gort 1 I am a counsellor of the supreme mccurt of the state of new york reiterated the attorney dat makes not ing different tiff erent rent sa said id the inveterate justice well then said the baal baffled lei lawyer suppose I 1 show to your honor that 1 ar am a a counsellor of the supreme court of the united states it tont make a pit petter replied he of the ermine you ou aint a counsellor von ton dentate de state of new jersey androu and you gant brackis in in dish gort this decision accounts for the fact th that at new jersey is is not int inthe he united states |