Show the indian campaign in the north 11 wo we find the follow following ingin in the Alor thern cali fori forman I 1 ia n of t he alt captain messic is is still encamped on aluad river with his company of volunteers anxious anxiously ly abtin waiting a itin the result of the effort which is is bein bainy made to bring in in the indians without more fighting gen kibbe is is actively endeavoring to ta induce the indians to como come in in ind and accept a home on a reservation the general paid a vi visit it to the indians and enlisted the services of several of the most influential among among them they were sent out to those known as ho hostile stiles to assure them thit that they should not be harmed if they would comply with the above demand ie ie join their friends at it mendocino could this be accomplished there would be an end to the war this result is is much to be desired by every one interested in in the prosperity of the country and we are much surprised to learn from the general that he meets with appos opposition atlon i from some of the settlers that his plans have been delayed deli by attempts to tamper with his hoopa holpa allies and to poison them against him we can conceive conceive of no possible reason for an interference with the plans of the officers of the expedition tion in in their efforts to rid the coun try of the natives es and hope there will w dl be no more of it gen kibbe was in in town 3 yesterday rest erday 1 on his way to the lagoon north of trini J ann dad where he hopes to meet some of the redwood india indians ns |