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Show PRODUCE Manufacturers le Ratal Store Eggs . A Large. 60V 4 62c; medium. Sices 59c; small. 41a46c. SJcVaac LTI" 5cw,8TS medium. . gsattar Nlnety-thrs acore sic; (1 aoora, 60c Twnty-fonr-pound tripista. 43c; 12-pound loaghoi-a, 48c; five-pound loaf. 47c NEW YORK, Dec 27 (AP) Dressed poultry: Easy. Llvs poultry: Firm. Th price of cash wholesale butter Friday rebounded re-bounded e to 4c a pound, following ths break Thursday whleh waa tha sharpest In many years. Receipts were very heavy and were almost double thoss of Thursday. Buttsr: Receipts, 1,112.648 tba; firm. Cheese: Receipts, 380,516 Ins.; steady; noes unchanged. The downward course In the price or cash wholssal sags continued con-tinued oa a decresslng scale with soma f rsdes of mixed, white and brawn declln-ng declln-ng a doaea. Eggs: Rsoslpla, 48,669 casee; aaay. e CHICAGO, Dee. 27 ( AP-UBDAl Live poultry: Firm: receipts. 26 trurke. ao care Butter: Firmer; receipts. 620.812. Kgaa: Steady: receipts, 7101 cases. |