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Show TREAT and CURE I CATAKKH aaja all isiills toss s fit 32. . ) tiMn,Mf,MMltWnChahiMa ' W J aak. tlver. " "y- Ha Tmshw Cms. WDM I "KjV f izim. sf:: otfsr'la Prlrsta C!::n Csfortona .f et sas way ate ssswtsi PBIW4SSW tin h mil tysjs mm, exeeas o MUtoa-av aiwars keaa 1 kooaa m hpitaMi mr kr we IMt CtMLrlatana wbo poae M -teMtaUst" aa4 rob te tmfmrm tot wor-m 11 - isi. ph. s9.jE' DO H&CABK. TOO TO FAT TBM OSM hlUJI (.siJ. CIWBIXM TOD WISH TO TOU RBUlJt. rl 6HOBW KNOW THBT OA3T CTT&B AITS BO WS1 rBTfin VmMMMm HI BOTH IHJJ r&aMAXSNTLT, sad f PBOV Mr skm, to taia m af ai).,M, iMr waaaa est aaeh auM More Ute patient la required to turn, taerss saa aoUar. Or im o mfer, ji u in 1 in fni li 11111" -'r . f ( --.T r-ri iiim m THla IfoaMV rZH or ui.iAXi with thb arruorKix u aMa wn o im ona ka r-mitr ha twm all Oub, la exokaate for taw premises. 14 ro aver bear at a Vafelr racaadtaaj a TiM-tanUis of so eallsd WIlUMin OT MJi"re Mnif Um Moil at aurrri ar toaaMd FKOSTATa GUAJTO Dra. 8orea' Bw 4UO0AL TBdSATaLAVT tot awt . U f AJU- Aai.T OCas-art what Domn bow but mm they aua axtec taa aad iwm plM of ntlMrt tor WOa troobla. We crjIXt atAFByOa Umlnml Weakiim, Spenaatorraoea, frOaOaJLaoaa,' 6YPH1LM, TAKlOOCHLfe ao4 kiadrad Woattlea, U Was Haw aad tor lS nnir. ' , . .t.--.i.i mi 11 iiWir MMn ConwiltaUon, BraailinBoa aad A4rmT&MM ay mq er mi ta orBoa. : OFFlCal BOCB: t a m ta 9 su Braalaaa I to at aaaaam aad aaUdaja a) a BitatSv CHS. SHORES & SHORES, Eipsrt Sp2:l;!irtst 249 ayA J-. . Vm Crty, TTaa. Kar. 23, 18H. Jv M. . W. odd. Atty X. F. Aaaa. Mr Dear Blr- X Far aorae ttma past' dama fortaaa . taa frawnad a aia. forsooth, baoanaa - ,i I bowed and kteaea the hand af Dca- f S. I tar Klaa Fortunai My future Ufa ta martraa4 to aattsfy bills, aotos aad v Cu JudaiBonta, To bo brie. 1 atn oom- ' Of plataly baakraat. flnalaUy, maa tally. L ? a4 phyatoaaiy-aaid bsasiiao tho dam- .'- M aablo expert robbtn Jterublloaa ioad- T n00,d 0T' flw, aad the nable patrtotlo Datnooratlo sta teamen J have not knoakad It ap so tbaroforo f V X must flea from theee onraad hl-h , f 7 metmtaiiia aad wtea; my Clst I S A to tia Bouta Boa, Isles: Where tho jt bread fruit rtpaaa aad dusky maldeaa L - rySy atnOs aad there take to my ana a na- .Vi Jf" y tlra rtrfln to raise ma a dusky raoe ZRl jSr wao oaaaot mook nry par arty. . 7 O. J. H. Tho abOTO Utter wad) isulisd by oa dartoaT tao atrrar daya, 18 yoara aro. Tho wrftar paid tao debt aad baa aono on. Many Park Cttyltea wiU re-raember re-raember Um. Eo waa a food (allow. Wo are stlU oolleetlnr bad dabta. Merchants' Protective Association ICJUTTTTIC OVHXJBCTOBsl 08 SAD DEBTS. TOP FLOOR COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. FRANCIS 0k LUEB, Gen'l Mgr. V BOMX PIOMfl DON'T LIKE US. B The Lagoon Road Salt LaJba OfrdMi Eaflwy. Tljao Tbbe Im ZSoct Stpt. 6, 104. tXiTV BALT LAXX, 6 J8 aad t a. av. leacLrWotom Awa GOON. 7:80 and 10 a, m.. 4:80 fd 6J8 . . Extra trUne at U a. m. and IM a. aa oa Sundays aad bolidaya. A. D. FEBMOK. OonT Faa. Aft, J. B. BEAK. Kxoaratoa Aft. OFFICE. 181 MAIN BT. X& XStot Ootobar 9, 1004. LEAVE- BALT LAJCS CTTT. ISb. 10 For Kabor, Froro aad I Marytvala 8:0? a. ta. No. 102 For Park City tot a, m. No. Frff Denver and East..... 8 JO a. m. No. b-For Og-den and. West.. Jy9:80 a. m-No. m-No. 1 For Ogden and Weet..,. 1:45 a. m. Na. S For Denver and East. 8:15 p. m. No. 8 For Provo and Eureka... 6:0 p. m. No. 11 For,Og-del and looal pta. 6:06 p. m. No. 4 For Denver and East 8 06 p. m. No. 8 For OTden and West.. ...11 -40 p. m. No. 112 For Blnrnam i...... tld a. ra. No. 114 Fof Bingham, 3:00 p. av ARRIVB AT SALT LAKE CTTT. Vfo. -From Of dan aad the East 8:4 a. m. No. 12 From Ocden aad loaai ixjlnts '.'".?'??" No. 7 From Unreka and Prov.10:00 a. m. No. 8-JFrom Denver and EaaL J0:4 a. m. No. 1 From Denver and East.. IJ p. m. No. 8 From Oyden. and West.. 8:66 p. m. No. 101 From Parle City 60S p. m. No. 9 From Heber. Provo aad Maxysvale -- aw p. to. No 4 From Orden and the Weat T 46 p. ta, No. 3 From Denver and Eaat...n:80 p. m. No. 11 Frpm Blnham M M a. m. Na. lit From Bingham ......... I:4 p. m. ; AO tttilna except Noa. 1 to atop at la j termedlata rjolnta. Tiekat office, Dooly block. A. BENTON. O, A. F. P. : '"vV V- COLORADO-UTAH SHORT UZJ" TO ST. LOUIS. Throat oar. Bait Laao Oty to St, Loula and Kansas Oty. Only aaa eh so to New Tork, BaSala aad priaoipai paaud) tTaat low rataa tor summer travel. Especial attaotlon to ladiao aad otaV Crea. Tourist alee para thixmrb to Cadaaca, Bootoa aad other polnU wttbowt sbana-a. Two tralaa daily. Inquire at ttokot offlea, XB8 Dooly blook, Bjt Laka Ctty. Any InfonBatton abeea fully aivaa. H. C TOWT4BEND, O P. A T. A. Mtoaoarl Paotfla Xy, it. Loula, Mo. - KITKXU im CP m KPIOTC. V. (CHPOSITAXT. rAyripf6x Foal float . AjMURRAT TloaFraatdaat W. F. ADAiia . w. oaahiar CAPTTXL PAID IN, 8200,800. Bar.fclrtf fn all its Braachea Ttaaaaetai. Sxeha&a trbwa oa the Principal Cities at purop. !XNTaUt2ST FAIX OK TtSUD DEPOSITS. ! W. f. M5Cornlek. PrdsMeat: lean 3. Daly, Vice-President: 8. H. Lynch. Maa acar afid Secretary. Utah Savings & Trust Co. Salt Lake Oty. Capital paid up, 81M.000. Burplua, 314.800. Interest paid oa deposits, loans oa approved ap-proved security. Acta aa executor, administrator, ruar-dlaa. ruar-dlaa. assta-nee. reoalvor, ete. Title Guaranty Guar-anty Department. Insures titles aad tnakea abatraota MLnrQTjiOT aroncz. Wast Century Mine and Minina; Co., m corporation. Prlnolpal place of business. Salt Laka Oty. Utah. Notice. There are delinquent upon the following- described stock, on account of aasesamsnt No. 6, levied October 27, 1804, the several amounta aet opposite the names of tho respective shareholders, aa follows: No. Name. Shares. Amt 8 John Campbell 16,000 237.60 18 John D. Depres 400 1.00 22 Anna Oppenheimar 400 1.00 21 Mose Rosenthal 400 1.00 26 Hattle Moore loud 7.60 80 Annie Oppenheimar 0 1.60 81 Mose Rosenthal .......... 400 1.60 gE T. Lows 600 l.li Dan Werskoff 1,000 3.60 43 M. 8. Kahn L0u0 3 60 44 Martin B. Ltppman. 1.000 tM 60 Mamie White 600 1.26 64 Jos. U. Meyers 1000 3.60 68 I. E. Harris 2,000 6.00 85 Mose Rosenthal 600 1.26 84 Lewis T). McCracken L0u0 2.6 88 Low Blair 600 1.2a 81 Mike Burke 600 1.2a 100 Al Raines 1.000 2.60 102 Max Weill 600 l.ti 10 Dave Wilson 600 1.16 112 Fred D. Stephena 260 .62 124 Chaa. Tobias ... 1.000 2.50 127 Chaa. Toblaa 1.000 2.60 128 Chaa. Toblaa . 1,000 3.6-) 129 Chas. Tobiaa 1.000 2.60 130 Chas. Toblaa 1,000 l.iA 131 Chaa. Toblaa LOuO 2.60 , 13i Chaa. Toblaa 1.000 2.60 135 Chaa. Toblaa L000 2.M -W 134 Chas. Toblaa 1,000 2.60 1 136 Chas. Toblaa 1.000 ' 2.50 155 Max Weill 250 .63 154 Martin B. Ltppman 100 .25 13 Meyer Goldsmith 1.000 2.60 171 Pauline F. Altman 600 I.U 212. Mose Rosenthal (00 1.25 213 Geo. Cummlngs '600 1.25 214 Dan K. Werskopf 600 1.25 275 Emanuel Drevfua 250 .63 278 Maurice M. Kahn 250 . .63 278 Samuel Jolesch 250 .63 29 Scheff and 8olomon 1000 2.50 m Estelle V. Collier 600 1.25 2J1 Estelle V. CoUler 600 1.25 229 Francis Dyer 800 .75 And in accordance with law and an order or-der of the board of directors, made October Octo-ber 27. 1904, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will bo sold at company's office. 614 McCbrnlck block. Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 15th day of December, 1904, at 10 a. m., to pay delinquent assessments thereon tog-ether with costs of advertising; and expense of sale. Office 614 McCornlck block. E. H. MEAD, 8ecy. f :protet the , : r ...HOME... . . ''Jl newspaper account of a recent crime, declared that the criminal would haye been caught, if the telephone operator had responded promptlj. , INDEPENDENT TV PII0I1ES (H J) Taa Rwrna That Tatt $400 piano &&nvLvf!tg:. The Telegram win giro a Carstenaen Anson Co. Piano, the largest six r and most costly Instrument of that make, to the girl or lady whom Telegran I read era shall vote the most popular. Tho contest opened September 1. aad will eloaa December 21 Every Tele-gram Tele-gram reader is qualified to vote. ' TTTB PUI23 CASSTEKSCT' ft AJTSOir CO. PIAUO. ' Carat en sen ft Anion Company, Solo Aganta. The tnatrument is now oa exntb it ta the Carateaaaa j Anson show windows. win-dows. 74 Main Street. i j Piano (Zomest Coupon. ! ! . i i nat. : j V . I Vote fCT . . .-.tew. wm . . . .ar. ............ 1 J S v! - Kame of Voter........ !j TIME Tx TABLE. f(lfl Sin Pedro. Loo Aa- ?rTTT aaiea A Salt Laka VgUV R. It. Co. DEPART. From Oregon Short Line depot. Salt Laka Cltyt For Froro, Labi, Fairfield and NephL Mantf and , pointa on Sanpete Valley Ry 8X)aVX&. For Garfield Beach. Tooela, s Stockton. Mammoth, Eu- reka and Silver City 7AS Am. For Provo, American Fork, Lehl, Juab, Mliford. Frlsoo. Callentea and Intermediate ' pointa - Si05y,n. Y ARRIVE. From Provo, American Fork. Lehl, Juab. Mliford, Frlsoo, Callentea and intermediate . pointa 9AS ft.m. From Provo, Lehl. Fairfield, Mercur and Sanpete Valley Ry. pointa 3:35 p.m. From Silver City, Mammoth, Eureka, Stockton, Tooela and Garfield Beach "5 :33 p.m. Dally. Dally Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car Sar-vioe Sar-vioe between Salt Lake. Mliford. Modena and Callentes. Direct stage connections for all mining; enstrlota In southern Utah and Navada. City Tlckot Offleo, 201 Ksin Stroot. Teiephono 250. E. W. OTLLBTT. J. U MOORE, . Ooa'l Paao. At, Dtot. Paaa, At WA1KER BROS., Bankers BALT LAKE CTTT. ' ESTABLISHED ISA Safety Deposit Boxes for rant, ' Dsseret National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital ., a, 3600,000 Surplus.. 260,000 , L S. Kills President i' Moseo aatohaf Vice-President i H. 8. Toung- Cashier i1 McCORNICK & CO., BANKERS, SALT L.AKG -CITY. CEstabllibfd im Traasaot a Oenerat Banking- Business. rj. E. CosaxirfTFroa. E. W. Wllsea. Cashier 1 OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK a WELLS, FABCO'S CO. BANK ' Bait Lake City. Ctaa. EsUblUhed 1!51 Tho Oldest and Strongest Bank ta TJtah. Capital I ' 'Surplus V ...UJTa.0S Undivided pront I . Transaatt a general banklag- kaalmsa. Worn .a tie and forelim. Depoaltg received subject to aaooav H. P. CLARK. Aeat Caanler. " H. I.MILLEJUjCashlar WINDSOR. EUROPEHN HOTEL SALT LAKE CITT. UTAH Ixatad ta Heart of CRT. Rates Reasonable lifht, airy, clean rooms. J. PVot-claaa ta ovary raepoot, WOODLE & GflGON An Kinds of earpenter Work Store Fronta and Flxturee a ' SpecUlty. Priced Reasonable. 118 W. 1st South, " Ball Phono 2648-aj I Eatabllahed 1ML " , ISO Offices, . The Oldest aad Larfeat. in. G. DUN'eo., ' Gror.GB EtTST, General Manager j I TJtah, Idaho and Wyoming:, Offloosia ITc jesg all din Salt Lake City. LEE KIM YIINO Pimples and Skla Dlaeaaea Cured by one Preparation of Medicine. Chinee. Herb., Roots and aiedlotnoa of Wonderful Curative Powers. IN West South Teoinla BALT LAKX CiTT. UIAH. a |