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Show r ' ! .-.a.-.-mn m tw- - 7 r ' ' C ' " , " - r ") r ' ' . i ' ' -J - ; k l;c:u'.a:i ,! l y-.i : ' - - o v i c -s . SI 0 gct c vcfy cst ciots n "3tv J 'L ) America at prices . that mean a . ' HgZSS i if J saving of more than 25, per cent Tr lpTKr It'- i to yoo. We have no old styles ; i i'lft j to show; ve offer you this season's . L' j - 1 IV Xri 0ct2t productions. This sale VI 1 r I ( means that, you can get one' of w0r'l f : -our regular $10,00 Suits or Overcoats for....$7.25 $22.50 Suits or Overcoati for....$16.50 $15;00 Suits or Overcoats for....$11.00 $25.00 Suits or Overcoats for....$18.50 $16.50 Suits or Overcoats for.;..$ 12. 25 $27.50 Suits or Overcoats for....$20.00 ; $18.00 Suits or Overcoats for....$13.25 $30.00 Suits or Overcoats for....$22.00 $20.00 Suits or Overcoats for....$14.75 $35.00 Suits or Overcoats for....$26.06 - ' ' - . .'-.!. 20 Discount on All Black cr Bias Salts, Inc'udins Fall Dress Suits, Taxsdo Suits ad Prices Alitrt Suits Sale Begins Tomorrow .Morning-! ML m E Ml 0 220 MAIN STREET. SYLVANIA MINING CO. QF NEVADA. . Location, southern part of Esmeralda Co. in Palmetto Range. 60 miles southwest south-west of Tonopah, owning 7 full claims over 130.000 have already been spnt in developing property, each claim having shaft from (0 to 130 feet In depth, wall timbered; this is an Immense silver and lead mine; several 100 tons of or has already been shipped netting from tU to $ri0 per ton; over 2000 tons of ere on the dumps now, lowest returns gavs 57 per rent In lead and from 80 to 100 os. in silver and $4 to $1S In gold. First amount of treasury stock now offered at the extreme low price of 25c per share, money needed for 2 steam hoists and concentrating plant; this stock will be on dividend paying basis before the end of 1M6. Write for prospectus pros-pectus and secure your stock now. We advise purchase of this) stock.. Starr (& DulfcrJ Fiscal Agent. Members San Francisco Merchants Exchange, San Francisco Stock and Oil Exchange. 8an Francisco and Tonopah To-nopah Mining Exchange. Offices, Tonopah. Nev.; Merchants' Exchange Bldg.. San Francisco. Cai. - Members S. F. Merchants' Ex., CaL Stock and Oil Exchange. S. P. & Tonopah Mining Exchange. Fred W. Dulfer, represnting Starr Duller, Dul-ler, Tonopah, Nev., Commission Stock Brokers. Tonopah and Goldfleld Stocks and Mines. S. F. Office Merchants Ex. Bldg. . Whca yon TM ri r Thinkcf.. vliiV Always think of the SMDDLEY-WAKELING L'JSUItANCE AGENCY and place your Insurance with them. I Representing six of the strongest Fire Insurance Companies in Ameri-, Ameri-, ca, with assets of over flOO.000.000. ABSOLUTE SECURITY IS ASSUMED. j! Bell 'Phone. 834-K. 204 Atlas Block. |