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Show NO DEFENSE BY RUSSIANS Deserted AH Their Ships While Bombardment Was in Progress. , , ( TOKIO. Dec 9, I p. m. Considerable 1 astonishment Is expressed here over the fact that the Russians In no way resisted the disabling of the Port A" thur fleet. In certain Quarters the opinion If entertained that the Itue-sians Itue-sians opened the seacocks of the submerged sub-merged vessels, so as to lessen their exposure ex-posure to the J&pantse fire. The recent cessation of mine clearing was taken aa evidence that the fleet did not Intend to make a nortle. There was jio sign of life on the Russian Rus-sian ships during the bombardment, and from this fact It s concluded that the Wuejacketa took refuge on land, or that they are engaged; In the land defenses. de-fenses. , With the Russian second Paeifla aquadrpn approaching:, those in Toklo cannot comprehend the failure of the Russians to die hard and to inflict all possible damage on the Japanese fleet, 6ven at the cost of wtakenln the effective ef-fective garrison. Now that the Port Arthur fleet has bten disabled It Is deemed Impossible for the Russians to overcome the Inferiority In-feriority of the second Pacific squadron squad-ron to Togo's fleet, unless, at present unforeseen, the Black sea fleet should pass the Dardanelles, |