Show City Briefs SEVERAL HUNDRED members of th the Morgan L. L D D. S. S stake Sunday school gathered at Lagoon Tuesday spending the entire day in recreation tion Mrs S. S E. E White Morgan was in charge of arrangements arrangement EARLE F. F GARDE GARDEMANN IANN coordinator coordinator co co- co for forthe the Ithe city board of ot education education education edu edu- cation will vill discuss Psychology of Personal Salesmanship at a 8 meeting meet meet- ing ng of of the Crown Cleaning Clean Clean- Ing ng and Dyeing company at 8 p. p m. m Tuesday in the company plant 1987 Eleventh East street MEMBERS tIE mERS of ot the Second ward Democratic organization n Monday night meeting in the Newhouse hotel ho ho- tel cl discussed plans fo for foz an ou outing to tobe tobe be held in Mill Creek cany canyon n the latter part of oC July Walter Valter H. H Anderson An derson presided ded MEMBERS mERS of ot the Sigma SIgma Chi CiL Alumni ass association will hold their annual golf golt tournament and stag dinner Wednesday at the Forest ForestDale ForestDale ForestDale Dale Golf GoJ club The tournament I will begin at 4 p. p pm p.m. m and the dinner at 7 I p p. p m. m Committee members are John J Jenkins inkins Lon Ion on Richardson Frank A. A Adrian H. H Walter Watkins and Richard Lambourne STUDENTS are showing more interest In study of modern languages Ian lan said Miss Wanda AlbI language Jan lan gu guage ge teacher at Denver nver who visIted visited vis vis- vis Salt Lake City Monday with her father Dr R. R Albi member of or the Colorado board board of health They were vero tues guests of ot F. F Anselm Italian consul I t i APPROXIMATELY 40 members of the Salt Lake City Audubon society society so so- clety will take an overnight no hike to Big Cottonwood cany canyon m July 11 and 12 to study of ot the thea region it at a meetIng meetIng meeting meet meet- Ing Monday evening in I in the University Uni Uni- venIty Utah of-Utah of Utah m museum museum- building I MODERN ENGLISH ENGLISH- literature was discussed by Professor B kB R Rland Roland Roland Ro Ro- land Lewis of ot the University of ot Utah English department nt and B. B L L. Pett Petty at a regul regular r meeting of ot the Ut Utah h chapter League of ot Western Vestern Writers Monday evening at the Art Barn T THREE mEE HUNDRED RED from Syria temple Pittsburgh Pa Tuesday were en rout route via Union Unior Pacific system m to to visit Zion national national na na- na park after part after spending Monday in Salt Lake Lak City |