Show I CRAP A HEAP AWAITS I MANY I MARKS MARK V Sams Sam's rack Stars op op Records ri g By By LESLIE A VERY AVERY V Jolted Press S Sports orts Writer few EW YORK July 7 UP UP-Un- UP Un- Un Sams Sam's athletes have condemned east least eight and possible more pic plc pic track and field records to f scrap heap in bringing themes them- them es s up t to peak condition for the I U. U S. S team tryouts at Randalls Randall's V id d N. N Y next Saturday and day hv advancing through regional sectional I meets meet to the final petition to decide who will rep- rep fent nt America in the quadrennial ics cs at Berlin this summer five 1 and three track marks have i bettered and others equaled lie Ie 16 U. U S. S athletes should break brcak Olympic records for tor the polo It t running broad brond jump di dis- dis V- V throw high jump shot put meter i-meter hurdles meter huland hurand hur- hur V V and the meter c. c hey ey already have bettered for those events and ande e 0 new marks may be established V r V the week-end week when tho the com com- actually means whether get f-get get to make the trip evest vest record breaker was the George of the Francisco Olympic club who only beat the Olympic pole vault k of 14 feet 1 8 7 inches but buted buted ed jed the vor word record of 14 feet feets 8 s inches when he shinnied up bamboo pole and dropped over i ibar bar at 14 feet 6 inches inches' in the I onal ional A. A A. A U. U meet last weck week i Six Fine Jumpers ugh gh jumpers who have beaten Olympics Olympic's OlympIcs OlympIc's 6 foot 6 foot record ine ine inke in- in ke e e Connie J Johnson of Compton lor or college Walter Valter Marty of the plc- plc club Dave Albritton and Walker of Ohio State Del Thur- Thur of lof of U. U S. S C. C and Ed Burke of I quette Most Moot of these boys bos have 16 6 f feet et or better en n Carpenter of U. U S. S C. C has has' led ed the discuss feet to break Olympic mark muk by more than 10 set by John Anderson of the York A. A C. C in 1932 derson iderson himself has lengthened distance istance by about 7 feet to tg go g with Gordon Dunn Olympic b Paul Ohio university Phil Levy of of- Stanford t eck k Torrance the tho Louisiana ng man who holds tho the world ord rd for tor the pound IG-pound shot put i 57 7 l feet ct has bas beaten 54 Si feet this tItis r compared red to tho the Olympic dard of 52 feet 6 G 3 10 inches V e broad j jump mark is almost in In to be bo broken with Jesse Jessen In n 1 of Ohio State surpassing 26 almost almos any time the notion ces es' es him The Olympic record is iset iset et set 4 inches and nd Kermit Hermit King Kinge Kingle le e Kansas Teachers has done set et V et 5 inches Fleet Hurdlers I Inest Arrest nest Towns To of Georgia equaled orld's record of ot for the eter hurdles hurdes last Saturday V pared axed ared to the Olympic mark of et set by George Saling in 1932 V Hardin who took the National U t meter r hurdles in ardly beating tho the ecord record of 53 flat il I Manning of Wichita Kan e c the Olympic standard of for the meter steeple steeple- V in the same meet by cover- cover fhe he distance in 9 V pother other pot potential record-breaker record seen een in Ralph Me Metcalfe teal fe of Mil Mil- tee ee who equaled Eddie Tolan's pic mark of ot in the ITS rs s in the nationals |