Show Noted Italian Ace Slain With 8 Others in Ethiopia LONDON LONDON- July 7 UP A p-A A Routers Router's Heu Rou Reu- tens ter's British news new agency dispatch dispatch dispatch dis dis- patch from Romo Rome tonight said eight or nine Italian officers including including in in- eluding the noted flier tiler Colonel Antonio Locatelli were killed from ambush when they alighted from a plane in Jimma province Ethiopia The dispatch said sald the officers i 1 V 1 VA A had bad been invited d to the province to establish a garrison An unofficIal unofficial unofficial un un- official report said the officers In three machines were attacked as soon as they landed The victims were said to have Included a deputy chief of air staff whoso whose name was not given Jimma province southwest of Addis Addle Ababa is not yet completely complete complete- I ly JY occupied by Italian troops 4 |