Show Mothers Mother's Love Fights Battle Mother love Jove is the theme toda today I that hat very excellent thing that makes I tho world go round For a a. change let us call It mother- mother i intuition because it takes mama to know now that James is is' not really a aDad abad I bad Dad boy at all that he means well welland and ind people just do not understand him lim Mothers do know their own I children better than most people think Taking it for tor granted then that we mothers are arc aware of the real truth about our childrens children's characters char- char their weaknesses and so on It t seems scents to me to be bever very tant what course we take in dealing with lapses There are two ways of handling such situations One is to fight their battles for them emotionally Tho The other is to try to forget we are mothers during a crisis and stop feeling sorry for lor them using every ounce of off intelligence we can sum Bum mon mono James poor fellow is always in hot water He is like most boys Impulsive experimental and full tuU of the old Nick He Ile forgets to do what hes he's told never comes in for Cor meals on time slams doors tramps on lawns and flower Jower beds throws balls as though windows were unheard of and likes to pick fights Naturally there are arc complaints from neighbors teachers and store store- keepers Our heart this mothers mother's heart wont won't admit that this little terror is wrong But it should and the reason is clear because James pays more moro attention to what his Ills mother thinks or his parents let Jet letus letus us say than all aU the tho rest of the thc world put together particularly if that opinion is a shield Of course most mothers are arc too sensible to go in for wholesale protection protection pro pro- when their children arc are chronic but I think we all have too strong a tendency to feel hurt in ourselves when our offspring offspring off off- spring must take the consequences for lor any lapse in behavior |