Show 5 S 1 v S 40 Children f Start ssi Session n Of Yule Yule- Seal Seat Health Camp amp Forty Utah children Tuesday began began six w weeks e of corrective health work at the outdoor Utah Tuberculosis association Christinas Christmas Christmas Christ Christ- mas inas Seal health eaith camp in Cot cany canyon n. n The camp opened Tuesday for tor its it ninth annual six weeks' weeks summer summer summer sum sum- mer mer session under direction of ot Mrs Bert Bertha a. a V Vorse orse camp director Eleven of the children are from Salt Lake City and nl the ot others ers are from Utah Iron Carbon Juab Summit and Tooele counties according to Miss Ada I Taylor Graham executive secre secre- tax tary of the tuberculosis I association I tion who ho said sale le of seals seal J last t Christmas made this years year's session see ses sion ion possible Children will live in a log bungalow bungalow bungalow bun bun- galow with special windows constructed constructed constructed con con- to take advantage of the suns sun's rays Camp staff members include Miss Anna Ann Meng Miss Ramona Waters Miss Patricia Whelan Miss Netta Cornell Miss Velda Biddle and Miss X Inez z n. n |