Show I 1 Come to ep is Big ig Time Blood Urged S 1 4 5 C i r 5 c 4 41 4 J 4 S S' S L 4 i T 3 Ii J 5 4 4 S 'S e S S SS S t I 4 i V vf t S 'S 4 S 4 2 I 6 I S' S S S 5 5 5 S 'S u t S V 4 14 4 S SS S S 5 7 5 5 5 J A S S 4 5 5 Grace Blackett Rose Mary lary Belliston Governor Henry H. H Blood and Wilma Vilma Alien Allen The I governor gets another invitation 4 Stampede Bid Given Give Governor An invitation to attend the Ute stampede and midsummer band contest contest contest con con- test at Nephi Thursday Friday and Saturday was extended Governor Henry H. H Blood at his offices in the capitol Tuesday Dr P. P PL L Jones general chairman of the joint affair headed the group which visited the the- governor and in included included in- in Gilbert Bailey Baney chairman of oC the central committee and Ed EdCha Cha Chase e chairman of the advertising committee Perhaps the most eye filling part of ot the invitation committee were three cowgirls Grace Blackett Rose Mary J Belliston and Wilma Allen Allen Allen Al Al- len who did their best to get a ayes ayes ayes yes from Governor Blood Three children Marilyn J Thomas 6 Rose Marie Lomax 3 3 and Norman Norman Norman Nor Nor- man Shaw 3 3 also were included in inthe inthe inthe the delegation A A. rodeo a arid and d other other festivities will feature the three-day three show |