Show s H-eaIth H By DR MORRIS 1 J I Editor Journal of tho the American Medical Association and ot or tho Health alth Magazine l Certain diseases can b be pro r vented in most moat Instances by lations These are arc smallpox d dih theria scarlet fever measles t fever fever and chickenpox Even though smallpox is r rake every child should be vaccinated d a against it by the family doctor The best time for this is usually from the third to the sixth For delicate children tion against smallpox may maYb postponed until the child is la bet bets ter developed If a child happen happe s to be suffering suffering- from a skin di ease case of oC r any sort vaccination also aIsS- aIsS may be temporarily postponed The best place for tor is that portion of the body hj is most easily protected and which may be kept at rest babies who have not begun to crawl on the floor the leg la fa j pre pie f erred particularly in girls Modern physicians must be farsighted fir far sighted in regard to to matters of et dress and must look forward forward- the time when the young lady lady m be wearing an ani evening gown For boys the arm is just as s tory as the tho leg 1 When vaccination is done on tit the legs of oC older children they should not be allowed to walk while the th vaccination is sore or painful X If It vaccination does not succeed this does not necessarily Indicate that hat the child is immune t l to smallpox It is rather to be bo taken as an indication that vaccination will again be necessary necessary in two to cir or t three weeks 1 j Vaccination against smallpox may be repeated at intervals of ci seven to 10 years It should also abo be repeated at any timo time that smallpox is prevalent in the ilie com corf j fj 1 We Ve know now that vaccination eradicates smallpox I It i is hoever how ho- ever impossible to secure unive i sal vaccination and because ol danger or occasional outbreak children must be vaccinated regu 1 I Against diphtheria we now hu bai available a highly useful inoculation tion with It is so mil milIn mild in its reactions and so 50 certain b bits its s effects that ph physicians ans in gen gen- general eral cral have discontinued inary mary tests of the skin to s se sM whether the child is immune t to diphtheria and instead record recent mend universal application of ot the th inoculation i It is best given to children be before before fore the time of or their entrant entrance to school In children who live Jive In clUe citie inoculation is best gi between the sixth and 12 months In children housed institutions such as orphan as as asylums lums or pr protective homes moe lation against diphtheria may I I 1 practiced in the third month i Millions of children have be bee Inoculated with harmful results i Inoculations a against g a I ins n S t scan scarle fever typhoid fever and other in infectious infectious infectious diseases that have bee mentioned are arc not gene general recommended as a routine Whether such inoculations a ar arto ato to be applied should be he left t the family doctor who will malthis malt raak his decision on the basis of th iii prevalence of ot the disease in th Hi community and the likelihood o infection of the individual child |