Show n. n Reception Will Honor ife ife of fL L. L D. D S S. S Church Leader f Heber j. j 1 Grant Anniversary j was putting finish- finish l hes on a lavender formal at the home of Heber lit 1 president of the 1 L L. D.- D. DeS S. S i in order that Mrs Grant rs s old today may wear it ening at a public reception fown ow own is simple in appearance Becomes the white haired be- be cd led No 1 lady of ot the L. L D. D S. S i I anxious to try it on Mrs Eald ald reception will vil be held from 6 fm m. m at the home of Mr and allace Wallace F. F Bennett 1412 Yale Approximately guests to pa pay their respects I Grant y iy messenger boys delivered I 5 flowers and other birth birth- Grant offered three simple simpler ir r success in iri l life e cep busy L happy thoughts Do 0 o something worth while y Grant a descendant of ot dis- dis ed led Puritan and colonial was iras as born July 7 1850 at atit att it t Grove a daughter of Oscar Ann Stearns Winters sneers She W was married to tot it t Grant May 26 1884 I that as as' a birthday khe and President Grant ig g to take an ocean voyage I within two weeks I Lf t wt iTi Mrs MN Aug Augusta sta Winters Gr Grant nt- nt Anxious to wear her I vender lavender dress 1 |