Show Company Meal Offers Food Values Service By MARY E. E DAGUE Its It's certainly not fair not fair not the least bit fair for fair for the tho rest of the family and their friends to troop off oft to the tennis court or seashore and leave Mother to spend long hours over a hot stove Often Otten that's what the summer in influx influx influx in- in flux of company means If It it docs does happen its it's really Mothers Mother's Mothers Mother's own fault Of Ot course she wants company mea meals to be exceptionally exceptionally exceptionally ex ex- nice but they n needn't bo be elaborate Ive I've worked out some menus and recipes that will give the table a festive air yet arc are neither expensive or difficult to prepare Heres Here's Suggested Sur Menu Pork and apples are a universally universal popular combination and pork tenderloin tenderloin ten ten- with apple fritters makes make an appetizing dinner indeed With Wit them serve creamed kohl rabi am and carrots Add a salad o of curly endive with French dressing dressin and finish the meal with a fruit fruity dessert This meal is not too heavy yet it is entirely satisfying and In in- in When you buy the tenderloin ask the butcher to French it Th This means that he hc will cut the tenderloin tenderloin tenderloin tender tender- loin in pieces about two inches l long ng Then he will stand each piece o on end and flatten them with one o or two blows with the broad side o of cleaver This makes flat round cakes to broil or fry They are s stender so tender you don dont don't t need a knife t to cut them after cooking To cook pork tenderloin tenderloin tenderloin tender tender- loin sprinkle with salt and pepper and nd dip each piece in flour coating conting evently on both sides Fry in butter butter butter but but- ter or other fat on both sides brownIng brownIng browning brown brown- ing first one side and then th the theother other After the meat Is browned cover and cook slowly until tender about 25 minutes Serve with apple fritters and a creamed vegetable I want to emphasize emphasize emphasize em em- the point of serving plent plenty of milk in summer menus Creamed Creame vegetables desserts served wit with sugar and plenty of ot cream or to top milk and creamed soups Introduce milk into meals that otherwise would be out of balance in foo food value Apple Fritters Four tart cooking apples 1 cu cup I flour Jour 2 teaspoons baking powder I 2 tablespoons sugar sh h teaspoon Wr S v r 4 r a r r i iI ir I r r S J 4 Y q A pleasant variant of the traditional pork and apples combination combination combination com com- I is breaded pork tenderloin with apple ring fritters salt 1 egg h. z cup milk cinnamon and powdered sugar Pare apples and cut In slices an Mix and sift flour baking powder Inch thick cutting crosswise Remove Remove Remove Re Re- move core and sprinkle each piece with powdered sugar and cinnamon sugar and salt Beat egg until light and add with milk to dry mixture Stir until smooth and dip apple slices in batter Fry in deep hot fat hot enough to brown an inch cube of bread in 60 O counts or degrees Fahrenheit on a fat thermometer thermometer thermometer ther ther- and drain on soft crumpled crumpled crumpled crum crum- pled paper |