Show Elsie Janis Casts Herself in Life Role Of Samaritan to Do Swell TARRYTOWN N. N Y July 7 UP lid Elsie Elsie Janis on whom fortune fortune for for- tune smiled through a long stage career looked today to a new role as she resolved to dispose of ot her possessions and devote her life to aid the less fortunate This is fa a divine Inspiration from God said the year old actress I am doing it because I I want to do something swell something something some some- thing that would give me a reason reason reason rea rea- son for tor living Im giving up everything I have except the talent personality personality personality person person- pep or whatever it was that put me in the money as Little Elsie and kept me there for lor 30 years Miss Janis who won fame tama early I as an impersonator disclosed she would spend much of ot her future in government hospitals entertaining enter tamping disabled World war veterans vet vet- veterans erans crans many of whom knew her overseas In 1918 as the Sweetheart Sweetheart Sweetheart Sweet heart of the A. A E. E F. F She often orten went within the sound of oC the guns to play for lor the men just out of the trenches I |