Show ROUTH R 0 U T N FORCES FO ROES FARM AID CHANCE CHAN CI l i Crop Experts Ordered To White House Parley J To Map Relief Program w S I For Forage ge Conservation 1 Set as Goal fo fort for 5 Midwest r w v WASHINGTON ASHINGTON A S July 7 AP Modification of the soil conservation pro program am t to i encourage the widest possible I ble conservation of forage inthe in the midwestern drouth area was announced today by th the II AAA P Meanwhile l a White House conference conference conference con- con ference on the drouth crisis was at called for this afternoon by b dent Roo Roosevelt evelt an as weather Veath r bureau j predictions forecast continued t aridity and abnormally hIgh temperatures for lor th the affected area S A AAA A A officials said the 4 o would apply to V e emergency drouth areas area to be bli f f. f named later this week principally lin in N North rth Dakota Montana and I Wyoming i Preserve F r ge The change Was made they added J to preserve all av available forage for livestock feed teed and to encourage the planting of ot for forage ge and feed crops for tiso we during the coming fail faU falland aDd e winter Ge George rge E. E Farrell w western tern regional regional re regional re- re gional director recommended rec thach the tha ch after lt l' l an tour of the drouth areas Farmers in designated counties may comply with the soil conservation conservation conserva conserva conserva- tion Uon program under the the- modified regulations and still receive subsidy subsidy sub sub- sidy aidy payments it was said or they may comply with the original regulations regulations regu regu- lations depending upon drouth damage on their I individual farms Those invited to th House use meeting were Rexford Rexfor lG G. G Tugwell resettlement administrator t r Aubrey Aubr y I Williams assist assistant nt nt- work s. s administrator J. J B. B Hutson acting A AAA A A administrator and Jesse W W. Tapp chairman ot of th agriculture department drouth committe l Io Modifications Listed The modifications announce announced were 1 L Farmers will wilI be be- permitted to cut soli soil depleting crops including sorghums and small grains but not corn and annual for lor hay or pasture use Under existing regulations crops in this classification must be plowed under or allowed to stand with r re reduction reduction re- re of benefit payments the penalty for tor violation 2 2 Farmers will be pcr permitted to cut nurse crops which previously could be pastured only or clipped cUpped green grcen This provision covers coveri le legumes legumes legumes le- le gumes or annual grasses C seeded seede-d with nurse crops S 3 Planting of emergency forage and feed crops now now now for for tor fall and winter would bo be permitted on any land on the farm tarm without changing the land use classifications This was done It was explained by changing the classification o of such crops which under existing regulations have be been n classified as soil soli depleting 4 See Some Return Officiate OfficIals said that with the aid of ot ofa ofa a little moisture emergency forage forage- orage and feed teed crops planted now noY would bring some return at least from land which otherwise would be nonproductive nonproductive non non- prod productive because o of drouth con con- Farmers participating in the program program pro pro- gram under the modified regulations regula 1 will receive benefit payments limited to 1 per acre for 1 15 per percent percent percent cent of ot the soil depleting base acreage acre acre- ago age Involved The soil building bunding payment t heretofore heretofore heretofore here here- was 1 for tor each acre aero planted in soil soll cons conserving crops |