Show FEDERAL HEALTH FUNDS FUND'S ALLOTTED With allocation Tuesday of federal federal fedral fed- fed eral ral funds Utah's maternal and child hild h health health provisions of the social security act wore were in f full lf The The childrens children's bureau of at the department department de de- de- de of of l labor bor authorized the first allocation to o these phases the Associated Pre Press s reported going for maternal and child health and 75 o for aid ald to to crippled chil chil- dren To this will be added d st state te funds of for maternal and child health and for crippled childrens children's aid ald Dr J. J L. L Jones state health commissioner commissioner com com- missioner from front vr whose hose office these thue ph phases phaes ot of s social lal security will be administered said that although the department of labor had not not not-ap- approved approved ap ap- proved of these programs ms un until U June 30 the state had been spending some funds since April on this work so that somo of the wm go goto goto goto to reimburse the state The r remainder re remainder re- re will be available for for the current qt quarter a er which hb began gan July 1 |