Show Eyston Delays Delays' Starting Try For Record on BonneVille Flats I Threat of Storm Makes British Speed Star Fearful as as' as Officials Stand By Special to The Telegram BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS July Timers 7 and mechanics stood by here Tuesday as Captain George Eyston of England eyed an sky overcast sky and delayed ayed his d trials trials' until 7 1 o. o m m. With the car and crew in ln readiness readi- readi ness the captain said he would start his attempt to boost his worlds world's record record record rec rec- ord of 1405 miles mites an hour set hour set here last las September in n a hour 24 run run run- run run-I the tho moment he could be sure a storm was not brewing Flares have been placed at 1 foot ThO-foot Intervals Intervals Inter Inter- vals around the mile 10 circular track io the the- best night 1 markers endurance drivers have ever had for their runs The Briton who drove miles an hour Monday for a new worlds world's record also is considering possibility of continuing his long grind to 48 hours hour He has not yet declared his intentions of keeping Continued on Page Pare Two S S S S C l imn EYSTON D DELAYS LA YS RECORD TRIAL Continued from Page One up the run for two days and two nights as he ho must before belore starting but A. A C. C Pillsbury of ot the timing staff officiating here said the captain captain cap tam tain is deeply interested interest d in staging such a test Easy Mark Marie Ahead If It the captain succeeds in boosting boost boost- ing tag his 2 hour 24 mark he ho could ease off oft considerably on the pace in the second day and still have a good chance of beating the comparatively comparative comparative- Jy ly low V record for Cor th that t time The current hour 48 mark is loit miles an hour held by three French drivers drivers ers Perrot Dohme and GIrod Should the captain decide to extend extend ex ex- tend his liia test over two days he probably wilt will wheel his Speed of ot the Winds racer into the pit at the conclusion of the 24 2 hours for Cor a prolonged servicing and nd inspection before continuing No other hour 48 test has ever been held in the United Stat States s Under under under un un- der authorized sanction Snell on according to representatives of ot the tho contest board pf of tho the American Automobile association Uon which Is timIng liming the the local event Cyclist Injured The first casualty of speed occurred occurred occurred oc oc- oc- oc on the flats early Tuesday when Ray Stepp 36 of San Francisco Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco was seriously injured when thrown from a skidding motorcycle Stepp who came to tho the racing camp early in the day as a a. spectator apparently was traveling at tremendous tremendous tremendous dous speed across the tho salt when he was hurled from the seat zeaL Stepp suffered a fractured right leg a possible skull fracture and chest injuries There Is b no hospital within a hundred miles of ot the flats flab however and the full fuU extent of Stepps Stepp's injuries could not be immediately immediately imme imme- name name- determined A d doctor tor was summoned from front Wells Veils Nov No mlle miles west of at r and plans were made to rush Stepp to a hospital at Elko Personal papers gave Stepps Stepp's ad ad- dress dreu 1351 For as as Forty y San Francisco j 4 |