Show 1 Rad Radio io Programs Programs' I l N B C 5 t k t II I TUESDAY JULY 7 th P. P JJ Y NBC Ben NBC Bra ernIe Bernie and md All the Lads Iad Marx Marz stage tage t e and aud comedian NBC Ei 30 NBC Ed 1 mud and Graham Mc- Mc Namee with Lennie LenDle Hayton's Hayton orchestra or or- chestra the Kings King's Merry Herry Men lIen and aDd the Eight Lo el Lovely Girls NBC Meredith NBC Meredith and hit his 1 I The r The Th Revue featuring Ferde Grofe and his ts orchestra NB n-NB Roy 45 NBC Ro Roy a Royalists Royalist I n n Andy The 15 The Spotlight ht Rt Revue f. f n starring Grace Moore la In Love Me lIe Forever NBC Leo NBC BC Leo and aDd iIi Ala orv or or- v chestra 9 OO LUten end and See ee e. e 91 Chez Chez he paree Pare orchestra NBC Ben NBC Ben Pollack and his Hotel Hotd bOO 1000 Stevens orchestra Trans dl News 10 NBC St. 05 BC St St. Francis hotel orchestra 1030 NBC Mark NBC Mark Fisher and aDd his Vista Del Lago Lao orchestra 11 1100 Trans OO Trans News New 1105 NBC 1105 NBC Palace hotel orchestra 1130 NBC Hotel NBC Hotel Mark Marie Hopkins or or- chestra cheltra i 1200 request All request program A M. M Good OO-Good Good Night WEDNESDAY JULY 8 I 8 ILl I'Ll A. A Ll M. M Cheerio Rocky Rocky Mountain Ramblers Rambler 7 1 Today's OG Today's Almanac Early 15 Early Birds Secrets Secrets of at Happiness SIng Sing Before Breakfast 7 Trans 5 Trans Radio Newa New NBC Nuts NBC and aDd Bolts comedy team N Sweethearts NBC Sweethearts C of oZ the Air Breen and D DeRose Rose 83 NBC Joan NBC NBC Joan Joan and the Escorts The NBC 45 NBC The Voice of Experience NBC Martha NBC Martha and HaL Bat 91 Trana Trans Radio News Nun S 9 20 Melodic Interlude 9 NBC Girl NBC Girl Alone dramatic sketch 9 St 5 Marches On 01 2000 Trans Radio News New 1005 Crystal 1005 Crystal Bulletin of the theAir Air 1015 NBC Hotel NBC Hotel Statler orchestra NBC G 1030 NBC Gene Beecher Beether and his hla Lotus Lotu Gardens orchestra 11 1100 D Cosmopolitan Singers SinGer 1130 Trans RadIo Trans Radio New News 1135 NBC Rou NBC Rosa Lee soprano 1145 pro program 1 1 J. J M. M 12 Pepper NBC 1200 NBC Pepper Young Youngs Family 1215 N NBC Ma NBC Ma C-Ma Ma Perkins 1 1230 NBC Vie NBC Vic and Side Sade 22 2245 The NBC NBC The NBC Women's NBC Women's BC Women's Radio Revue feat tea lea urine turing t guest fuesl est speakers and the orchestra or or- chestra hutra directed b by Joseph I Trans Trana Trans Radio ewa I 1 In Interlude 1 Trans ROTh KD fO-KD Trans Radio News 1 NBc Grandpa NBC Grandpa Burton 2 NBC OO NBC Walter Lo Logans Logan's I NBC 30 NBC y and Farley NBC Don NBC Don P Pedro orchestra tra I 13 00 NBC lOO NBC Time 1 gil NBC NBC Malcolm o Claire I n. n Trans Radio News 8 NBC Dorothy NBC Dorothy Page p Three NBC NBC Three Scamps NBC ElY NBC Aces comedy sketch NBC Back 15 NBC Back Seat But Driver 1 f NBC Edwin 3 NB D-NB NBC Ed C-Ed Edwin win C C. Hill HUl In The fluman Hu nu 1 I man Side Bide of the News Newa 15 Our NBC NBc 5 NBC Our ur American Schools School Program In connection D ct with Annual Annual An An- nual fr Convention v of 01 National lI Education Edo Edu cation Association In Ore Oregon on One NBC NBC One Mans Man's a Family Y gg ii I 1630 5 Song 30 Souvenirs v Trans 5 Trans Radio News New Dinner concert featuring XAvier Cugat and his hi orchestra Paid Adv CBS THE WEST I 1 TUESDAY JULY 7 P. P PM P.M. 1 6 S 0 00 OO o art re International News New Service Summer CBS CBS Summer Caravan with Benny Goodmans Goodman's Swing Music Nat and his hi orchestra Rubert Hughes and aDd Hollywood 1 guest stars tArs The CBS CBS The March of ot Time drama drama- U of ot the news new of the day 1 Little Theater ot or Music B 80 00 KS ucal Journey CBS Renfrew CBS Renfrew of the e Mounted Laugh CBS CBS Laugh with Uh Ken Murray Murra the comedian Russ Morgans Morgan's band Phil Regan Began and Marilyn Stuart 9 cd o Bs Fred and aDd his hla Waring Penn Penn- with Stella and the Fellas Fel las las the he Lane Sisters Poley Foley Mc Mc- Clintock Feren Peren and the Octet SeWer Settlers Tales Old Old 9 KS Ne hl City Program 1000 Bart Bart Bart Wood Woodard ord and his hb orchestra orchestra or- or chestra chutra from 10 1030 30 International News Service 1045 CBS 1045 Nocturne with Mth Fr Franklin Me- Me Cormick 11 00 Joe KIrkham and aDd his hi OD Jos orchestra or or- c chestra tra I 1130 flarry 1130 Harry Lewis Lewis' orchestra Midnight 1200 1200 Benny Goodman Goodmans or or- theatre chestra A. A M. M 1230 Harry 1230 k Harry X Lewis Lewis' orchestra 12 1245 5 1245 Ellis Kimball Kim bill and his hll or or- chestra Good G Good nJ night t. t WEDNESDAY JULY lUL t I A. A AM A.M. II serenade Fred CBS Fred at the CBS Felbel organ oran 7 30 Melodies International New News New Breakfast Melodies 83 Early Early m morning shopping news II Serve o Serve erve and aDd Save Gave with Ida GAbbott G. G Abbott l Reveries 9 The CBS CBS The Merrymakers CBS CBS Five Star Jonee 1000 CBS Betty CBS Betty and Bob 10 1015 Modern CBS CBS BS Modern Cinderella 1030 The CBS 03 CBS Worry Clinic conducted con eon ducted by D Dr George re Crane 1042 CBS Betty CBS Betty Crocker 1048 CBS Hymns CBS of All Auth AlIthe the Churches ii llon non non-cB The The Gol r 1115 Happy CBS CBS Happy BS-Happy Happy Hollow 1130 Musical Musical Revue with Betty Belty Marlowe and Music Yule 1145 Words Word Words P Pr PM P.M. M. M 12 1200 International DO International onal news and stock tok market quotation Q II 1215 1215 Livestock v Report 1220 CBS Ann g k Ann Leaf at the theorem or organ an 30 12 CBS 1230 CBS Deut Deutsch's h orchestra 1240 1245 Shopping o Bulletins Bulletin li CBS E. CBS i E. E Robert concert pianist presents an all Lit Beethoven recital i The i g The Buyers Buyers' C Guide il 3 45 CBS Clyde CBS Barrie soloist At The KIJL The Word Ma Man n. n r 2 Popular 05 Popular Concert OD o CBS Wilderness Road The CBS CBS Tho Eton Boys Doya 3 Ual CBS Hal Munro's Junro orchestra Dally Dally news neWt broadcast The The Guide 4 4 00 Dramatic OD Dramatic Highlights Highlight 4 Fray CBS Fray and Baum 4 30 30 Broadcasters Broadcasters' review lC S 00 O-C O CBS Cavalcade S of ot America dramatizing dram dram- the life and music of lof VIctor Victor Vic Vie tor tot Herbert Shopping bulletins 5 54 Musical 4 5 bt if fv Variations Wl n 6 60 CBS 00 CBS DancI Dance with Andre netz and his orchestra Kay Thomp son 1011 and the l Rhythm Singers Paid Adv oNT DON'T FORGET FOLKS FOLKS' THE THE THE RINSO PROGRAM js IS NOW BROADCAST f AT ATA I T S J S A NEW TIME k r m 9 NIGHT NEW TIME TIlE 8 30 1 KS L STATION KEN MURRAY MURRAY- PHIL REGAN BEGAN RUSS MORGAN ahi 4 1 ae fl NEW CAMEL if CARAVAN I WONDER WHAT HOLLYWOOD CU GUEST ST I STAR RUP RT HUGHES WILL HAVE HAV 0 ON N THI N W CAMEL HOUR TONIGHT WELL LISTEN IN AND DONT DON'T FORG FORGET T THOSE 7 p I TWO WONDERFUL 4 BAN BANDS 4 I AND BENNY GOODMAN I CAMEL CIGARETTES brin bring brine you IOU A FULL HOURS HOUR'S ENTERTAINMENT I B rt Hughes Hup Master of C I and H Hollywood Jl Gut Guilt Stars 30 Tu pm m EST pm pas EDT pm pin CST pm pa MST MoST pen Pili PST PST Network 4 1 3 A. A r ir-r v 1 i L KI K I I Ill itt tI it 4 I II I I I I f Ill Iii II th I SALE Misses' Misses W Women's omet's f r r WT WASH DRESSES j Sizes Sues 14 1410 to 52 FOR Vat Dyed 3 A S Sheers Sheers' D Heres Here's your chan chance e ladies for a grand bargain on house dresses They're really very pert and dressy looking Lovely organdie and tape trim tailored or oror or feminine styles and so cool Be Beautiful prints plaids and nd stripes Hurry for this bargain 1 I. I i BASEMENT I J V a T- T Tire e 1 I i i 1 N J If Want Ads had feelings these feelings these I FOUND N Ni 2 I 11 i lJ Advertisements would feel pretty good J i Each returned something of value to its rig rightful ow owner eri er- er i Ad Finds Tire Tire Tue- U S. S Tire new West 3rd So Wa Val 1329 Reward f L J fJ 1 Ad Finds Glasses Glasses- 1 1 Pair Pall of or rimless glasses glassco lost Sat Bat In Liberty Liberty Lib Lib- erty pork park blue case ce contains news news- I pap pap-er r clipping Reward Was W. i Ad Finds False Teeth- Teeth X set false fake teeth lost So find antI 7 East Vas Waa J. J Reward fJ t I Ad Finds Purse Purse- Purse Purse Brown Brown coin purse containing l j r ft I currency and silver Hy fly Reward f Z i 1 Ad Finds Bay Mare Marev v Bay mare marc lost Branded J J. J W W. on right shoulder Reward Murray Ad Finds Newfoundland Dog Dog Newfoundland large black Answers An An- Hannibal Hy Hr Reward la TRIBUNE and TELEGRAM Was LOST AND FOUND ADS mi t d r H O Your Ad in 2 Papers for Price of I 1 |