Show ITALY UPSETS STRAITS TRAITS MEET MONTREUX Switzerland July 7 Diplomats UP IP Diplomats received with dismay dismay dismay dis dis- dis- dis may today reports from Rome that Italy would not participate In the International l Dardanelles conference confer confer- ence Fears were expressed Premier Mussolini might also decline to send representatives to the thc Locarno parley parley par par- ley at Brussels later this month The conferees awaited a communication communication from Rome explaining the Italian position as they debated a British proposal designed to open the straits for her fleet in the tho event of war Russia and Turkey Turley joined in opposing the suggestion Despite the tho defection of ot Italy the conference decided to push onward with tho Oho work of making a convention convention convention conven conven- tion which would be bo binding upon all aU participants A clash between the tho British and Russians featured the session Maxim Litvinoff the soviet oviet foreign commissar vehemently opposed the British proposal that all nations give Turkey a two weeks' weeks notice when intending to send warships through tho straits Litvinoff insisted Insisted in insisted In- In that any Black sea power should give only three thre days' days notice |