Show Livestock Market NORTH NORT SALT LAKE T. April Apri 13 USDA 13 Hogs Receipts 2113 Including for market market mar mar- mor to ket keto 61 to San Francisco p packers Los Angeles market and to Los Ls Angeles Ls packers packers Mostly 15 to 25 23 cents lower lowe sales sale limited d to one lot pound butchers butcher ft At 75 33 hogs hor 11 pound to 15 pound weights Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 7 Including 5 for market market mar mar- ket 5 53 direct 59 to Los Angeles I packers k 52 tto 10 to San Jose packers c r On OnI and to sos Los An- An reles market Sales limited to she stock toc Common to good cows 2 2 cutters cutter Sheep Sheep Receipts ts all ni California spring lambs to Chicago market No fresh fres supply on offer ofer trade nominally steady stead 0 OGDEN April 13 13 USDA Hogs Rc- Rc 1063 1069 1 Ud St for market 12 7 direct to Swanston packers packer and 15 to South San Francisco Francsco market Slow steady to 10 cents t lowers lower early ar top 3 90 00 on o ISO lo tro to pound n lights choice to held at nt 1400 bulk bull to pound hel 6 0 light lights downward to 1335 packing sows SOO 3 0 Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 32 Including 06 96 for market 46 40 to ta Arb Arby packers packer 74 H to San Son FranCisco Francisco Fran Fran- Cisco packers and t to South San Francisco Fran Fran- cisco market cNe Killing classes Yn slow I steady seady to weak common and medium steers fit 4 wal 75 15 common and medium heifers 3 CO O odd head good heifers up to I 1500 2500 common no and dh medium dl O H 75 3 good cows cOV's UP to 3 33 6 60 all cli al cutters cuter bulls OOt common bulls buls down to buls vealera valer quoted mostly Sheep Sheep Receipts 1727 Including 29 to Omaha market and and 1428 to tl Chicago mar mar- mor ket keto No fresh sup supply pi on offer KANSAS CITY April 13 USDA USDA USDA-Rou- Hogs Apri Receipts fairly active u uneven steady t to lOc bc higher than Tuesdays Tuesday average most o above pounds top advance on weights on to noVt pound bulk buli good lood to choice to 20 pound pound 60 to 10 round lund 10 11 to pound JM SO 3 3 75 packing sows saws few 25 stags 00 down v do stock tok pIn pigs scarce arce steeds steady few sales tle Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 1000 very T little done don few rew opening sales ulu lambs and spring lambs lamb to packers packer and shippers shIpper about steady three car cars Arizona spring lambs to shippers shipper 1815 1 f few w loads loa lambs 6 6 0 best held above above 1700 Cattle ReceIpts Cattle hed Receipts I IOCO calves slow fe few o early sales I fed steers t steady to go gou slightly u lower lover most bids bid lower good rod sized quota offered e quality mostly medium to good goodlight rIV light yearlings 1 itan and she stock kd opening nl z slow y weak bulls buls alers and calves steady stockers taker and feeders feeder slow steady steady- choice heavy heay s steers eer held hed around 75 good pound yearling steers 1885 1685 bulk fed steers eligible to sell sel around Bound 15 1525 5 Z most light liht yearlings of value to sell sel dO downward from 75 butcher cows cow's 1300 17 odd head up to medium bulls 2 75 oi selected d UP to ms 6 00 bulk I down few sales stockers stocker around around 1000 pound feeders DENVER April P 13 USDA USDA Ite Sheep Re ce N oo around U d 62 gsg loads fed der lambs t practically all al killers kier few lots fat natives steady sted at It down dow early bids bid on 01 west vest veat- veat ems erns ers weak to 10 a shade lower asking fully steady with Tuesdays Tuesday's close ose or above e 0 r ton toi late Tuesday e I 0 1 Catl Cattle ReceIpts Cattle Receipts calves 75 35 7 generally steady but undertone weak except on calves and heavy beef Ate steers u. u freight others othes flat fati load pound heifers heiers two cars CIUS others other rows cows mostly 3 53 50 down Including only load lond 1325 2325 1251 choice 50 SO few 75 low grade bulls bull 2 few stock cows 75 Hoars hors Receipts 1700 eight singles direct direct I four fou to California rather slow few early sales around steady best held S 5 to lOc hl hUber hieber few around o pound 1305 bulk to pound few 10 to pound 25 3 0 packing sews steady 2 12 |