Show CAILlAUX ASKS MONEY PARLEY WASHINGTON April 13 lJoseph l'-Jo- l' Jo Joseph Jo Joseph seph Caillaux former premier of oC France In a letter received today by Chairman Somers expressed himself himself him him- self as in complete agreement with the house coinage committees committee's advocacy cacy of an international monetary conference He said he was in complete agreement agree agree- ment meat with the initiative c which you have taken in demanding the calling of a conference which would fully study the monetary question Without desiring to sit in judgment judgment judg judg- ment on the different systems suggested suggested sug sug- to Improve the instrument of exchanges which exchanges which is a controversial matter matter matter-I I admit and without t suggesting suggest in ing a solution I maintain that it is urgent to examine the problem from its every angle because it dominates the prices from which the world is suffering suf fering Caillaux a former finance minister also added After receiving letter the committee continued its study of silver sil silo ver vcr and monetary metals hearing John Hanney chairman of the executive tive live committee of the American Society Society So So- of Practical Economists Economist I |