Show I GOOD GOLF By CHESTER HORTON NORTON Greatest Teacher Golfing by overabundance of theory theory theory the the- ory is a process that causes you to reflect each time you stroke that you did this or that in I Ia a wron wrong wa way and next time you'll not repeat the mis 1 take In this process proc ess csc your who whole I c cende Q ende endeavor vor becomes one in which you ou I seek only to avoid I the mistakes previously previously previously pre pre- made This eve eventually n t u a lly becomes becomes becomes be be- I comes a 3 dog dot eat eal dog proposition t I 0 nl that makes golf utterly baffling to the victim You get into a state slate in which OU you H seek seck constantly not to io do c certain crt a i n things You cant can't get anywhere along that route obviously The Thc cure for all this is not to be taken in 10 one dose all aU at one and time and over o with If It you ou are arc the victim of or these mistakes you will do well to start anew Begin b by ay acquiring or having imparted to you a good swing Work with it then to make its application in each stroke as nearly effortless as possible Your golfing background then will stand you in good stead and progress should ensue Get your pitch working well i this season eason Mr Hortons Horton's monograph tells you how This free Cree instruction ma may be obtained b by writing Mr Horton Horton Horton Hor- Hor ton care this newspaper and inclosing inclosing ing Int a stamped self addressed envelope envelope enve enve- lope and one cent 2 stamp Copyright John F. F Dille Dilie 1932 |