Show Variety of Sport j Offerings Feature Cougars Cougars' Program PROVO April 13 Everything 13 In Inthe Inthe the thc way of oC sports entertainment from punching bag exhibitions to burlesque burlesque burlesque bur bur- lesque wrestling was the program staged in the ladies' ladies gymnasium o of Brigham ham Young university In tion lion of a highly successful minor sports season Tuesday Giant Shephard and Tony Shober staged a burlesque on professional wrestling that brought volumes volumes' of laughter The former wei weighed hed 86 pounds and the latter Patrolman A. A S. S Milner stopped the bout when Shephard after three minutes began to bite and slug Shober Dr E E. E. E kept three punching punch punch- tag ing bags going simultaneously using his hands elbows and knees Jiu jitsu exhibitions were staged by Takeo Takeo Takeo Ta- Ta keo local flash and by members members members mem mem- bers of or the Salt Lake Japanese club Mat Mentor Aubert Cote illustrated his dexterity in rope skipping supplemented supplemented supple supple- with feats feal of or strength Three wrestling matches and five boxing bouts provided the balance of or the merriment Cactus Cravath slugging outfielder with the Philadelphia Nationals before before be be- fore the war is now Judge Clifford Cravath a magistrate In San Diego CaL Cat |