Show r GIVEN HONOR rv S S 1 S S SS S Mrs Weston weston V Vernon croon ELECTION HELD BY CLUB WOMEN Mrs Weston Vernon of Logan Logan Logan Lo Lo- Lo- Lo gan Chosen President of Utah F Federation q r tion Special to The Telegram OGDEN April 13 13 Mrs Weston Vernon of or Logan today was elected president o of the Utah State Federation Federation Federa Federa- tion of Women's Clubs at the closing session of their annual convention here Mrs Vernon who was unopposed unopposed posed for the position succeeds Mrs A. A J. J Lowe Jr of or Salt Lake Other officers elected include Mrs E E. M. M Ledyard of or Salt Lake former chairman of the international relations relations rela rela- comm committee first vice president Mrs H. H C. C Jacobs of Mt Pleasant former former former for for- mer chairman of the fine arts comm committee com corn m second vice president Mrs s. Hu Hugh h Ward of Murray recording secretary sec see ret ry Mrs C. C J. J of or Logan corresponding secretary and Mrs Floyd Whiting of f Kaysville lle treas treas- Mrs Rose Y Stewart of Provo was elected auditor and Mrs l J J. J L. L Harvey of Garland was reelected historian The new directors are Mrs l J. J B Meyers of oC Bingham Canyon Canon for or the central district Mrs Dewey Thorley of Cedar City for Cor the southern dis dis- dis- dis Mrs W W. C. C Hurd o of Salt Lake for forthe forthe forthe the Salt Lake district and Mrs C. C H. H Bryan of QC Brigham City for the northern northern north north- em ern district Although the election results were not made public until today the balloting bal bal- lolin took place Tuesday SELECTS DELEGATES The convention selected delegates to the national convention to be held In Seattle In June They are Mrs Continued on Page Pue Six ELECTION HELD BY CLUB WOMEN Continued from Pose Pale One OM E. E O. O Wattis of Ogden Mrs Weston Vernon of oC Logan Mrs W. W J. J Bardsley Bards Bards- ley loy of Park City Mrs Frank Drury of Helper and Mrs J. J H. H Becken paugh of 01 Ogden The alternates arc are Mrs D. D A. A MacMIllan UlJan of Murray Mrs E. E M. M Ledyard of oC Salt Lake Mrs D. D N. N of oC Salt Lake Mrs E. E R R. Van Cott Colt of Salt Lake and Mrs J.D. J.D. J.D. J. J D. D Murdock of Ogden Resolutions read yesterday esterday were passed with the exception of one which advocated appointment of home demonstration agents to work among the Indians Ogden won the federation song contest and Salt Lake the pep song contest The Ogden song was composed composed com posed by Mrs Jeanette McKay Norrell Morrell Mor Nor rell and Mrs Aitha Zinn ZInno The Thc Salt Lake song was composed by Mrs Ethelyn Gregerson and Mrs Anita Peterson Logans Logan's invitation to hold the next convention there was accepted The convention was wag closed with Installation installation in In- of officers directed by Mrs l Chester E. E Coulter of Ogden a past president The Geneva peace conference is an outgrowth of a growing sentiment that peace is the best thing for the world Dr Elbert D D. Thomas of or the University of Utah said in an address featuring Tuesday afternoons afternoon's session He pointed out that such conferences are not designed for actual accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment but for discussions Tracing the history of the w women's mens club movement Mrs A. A H lL Parsons of ot Salt Lake spoke on Club Traditions t n I Mrs E. E E Erickson of Salt SaIt Lake presIded presIded presided pre pre- sided at a conference of the American home department Mrs W. W V. V Wiegand Salt Lake chairman of at the press and nd publicity committee read a paper on press re re- re- re lations The invitation to hold the next convention con con- in Logan was accepted A theme of Two Hundred Years of Travel was carried out at the banquet banquet ban ban- in the Hotel Bigelow Thesda Tuesday evening Mrs A. A J. J Lowe Jr federation federation federa federa- tion president extended salutations and Mrs Robert Jellison was toast- toast mistress |