Show Trusty Is A. A W. W 0 O. L L. Loses His Freedom Blue air circulated through the city jail cell occupied by Ed Johnson John son son 40 Wednesday Among other things Mr Johnson was as cursing the wiles of oC Dame Nature Nature Na Na- ture which taunted his roaming tendencies tend and caused him to be A. A W. W O. O L. L from his jail cell last Monday Until last Monday Mr Johnson was wasa a trusty and had served five lve days of oC ofa oCa a ten-day ten jail sentence for tor drunken drunken- ness But he strayed from the beaten path and was arrested Monday the Monday the officers said gaid he was again very drunk at at First South and Regent streets by Chief of oC Police William L. L Payne and City Detective W. W E. E Eggleston Because of his waywardness City Judge Nephi Jensen again imposed a day ten jail sentence on him Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day when he pleaded guilty cuilty to drunk drunk- enness So now Mr Johnson Johnon is merely an Inmate of the jail his having haying hav hay ing been revoked |