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Show Mothers Study Club Has Guest Program Mrs. Mae Huntington and May-nard May-nard Stewart of Provo gave interesting in-teresting talks on the pictures in the current art exhibit at a guest day program of the Mothers Study Club last Friday evening. After the art tour, the group met in the Little Theatre of the Art Building where they heard a report on the Women's Legislative Legisla-tive Council meeting by Mrs. Phil-da Phil-da Finley and an interesting program pro-gram comprising vocal solos by Mrs. Lamar Clark and Mrs. Leslie Les-lie Beardall, both of whom were accompanied by Mrs. Ed Forshee. President Floss H. Taylor conducted conduc-ted the meeting and short business. busi-ness. In conclusion, refreshments were served by Hostesses, Mrs. Zelma Beardall and Mrs. Grace Lover-idge, Lover-idge, to the following members and guests: Mrs. Mae Huntington, Mrs. Marie Lewis of Provo. Mrs. Ma-linda Ma-linda Sumsion, Mrs. Phillip Mc-Caul, Mc-Caul, Mrs. Grace Crandall, Mrs. Jessie Whitney, Mrs. Etta Thorpe, Mrs. LaRae Black, Mrs. Rena Roy-lance, Roy-lance, Mrs. Lydia Palfreyman, Mrs. Philda Finley, Mrs. Verda Hunter, Mrs. Helen Goodliffe, Mrs. Beulah Whiting, Mrs. Nell Alle- man, Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Mrs. Hazel Lowenstein, Mrs. Grace Loveridge, Mrs. Lamar Clark, Mrs. Zelma Beardall, Mrs. Leslie Beardall, Bear-dall, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thorn, Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cherrington, Mr. and Mrs. Selvoy J. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gogarty. The next meeting -of the club was announced for April 28, to be at the home of Mrs. Wayne Johnson. |