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Show Site Purchased For New Junior High School Joining City Recreation Area . : 3 A perfect set-up for school, church and recreation recrea-tion facilities may be realized in the very near future with announcement this week of the purchase by School District Board of sufficient property adjoining the Grant School grounds for a new Junior High School Building. The school property, purchased at a total cost of $8,500 joins the city recreation park on the east while the parking area of the new LDS Stake House and 5th-6th Ward Chapel join into the recreation recrea-tion grounds on the south. As present plans call for" installation in-stallation of lawn and sprinkling system on the recreation area; the construction of a tennis court on the north-west corner of the park near the new school site grounds; the making of a ball diamond dia-mond on the northeast corner of the park 'and the building of a grandstand for band concerts in in the South section of the recreation recrea-tion park, the newly purchased property is an ideal location for a (Continued on Page Two) Site Purchased For Jr. High Building Continued from Page One) new Junior high school in the opinion of local officials. Negotiations for the purchase of ground for the new Junior High School, a much needed building in Springville, has been going on for some time, acording to Harold Christensen, local board member with the final property comprising the Allen home just north of the Grant School being bought a few days ago. The school district now owns the entire block with exception excep-tion of the Kerby property on the east limits of the Grant School grounds and it will not be necessary neces-sary to buy this to carry on the building program. Mr. Christensen commented. Mr. Christensen said Wednesday that he expects a new Junior High School to be constructed on the grounds in the near future but also bond issue would be necessary to finance a building program throughout the district before a new Junior High would be posible. Asst. Supt. It is also anounced this week that G. Grant Gardner of Payson, principal of the Payson Junior High School, has been appointed assistant superintendent of Nebo District Schools effective July 1. Mr. Gardner is a former Springville Spring-ville teacher. At the same meeting, the Board of Education went on record to purchase from Spanish Fork City, the City Park lot on 6th East and Center Streets. This area was purchased pur-chased for a school building site. It was also reported at this meeting by a member of the school board who had waited on the City Council previous to this meeting, that Spanish Fork City was purchasing pur-chasing the twelve acre plot of ground immediately west of the Spanish Fork Sr. High School campus for the purpose of a recreation rec-reation center in connection with the high school campus. School building sites are also being be-ing investigated in Payson according accord-ing to report by members of the school board. |