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Show COUNCIL TO URGE s,w mm Will Present Scale Providing Provid-ing Higher Pay for U. of U. Staff. PUT UP TO REGENTS Graded Increases Yearly Until Maximum Is Reached. If a recommendation of the administrative adminis-trative council and tho faculty of the University of Utah is acted upon favorably favor-ably at the next meeting of the board of regents, which will bo held within a week or two, a new salary scale will go into effect at the institution. Thwill increase. the salaries of instructorbaTS provide for further increases with each succeeding year until the maximum is reached. The new scale provides that, deans shall receive from $1S00 to $3(100; professors pro-fessors in charge of departments, $2100 to $3000; professors not in charge of departments, $2000 lo $2700; associate professors, $1SOO to $2500; assistant professors, $1500 to $2100; instructors, in-structors, a maximum of $1500. An increase in-crease of $100 would be made each year until the maximum is reached. An' increase in salary for instructors nt the university was requested last vear, at which time the higher cost of living was pointed out. Nothing was done at the time. The presont recommendation, recom-mendation, which is expected to take care of the situation, continues as follows: fol-lows: Points Out Essentials. The fitness of a member of the universitv staff to enjoy a certain rank and salary shall be determined bv the following considerations: "l. Character This includes moral mor-al living, loyalty, sympathetic relations re-lations with student's, faculty anil fellow citizens; optimism and conformity con-formity to prevailing university conditions. 2. Scholarship Professors should hold the doctor's degree from some reputable institutions or possess the equivalent scholarship. Associate and assistant professors should hold the master's degree from reputable institutions, or possess the equivalent equiva-lent scholarship, or, preferably, should hold the doctor's degree. Instructors should hold .the bache-'c bache-'c .iMTroo i,rf f evnhlv. the mas ter's degree. Only in case of ific-sitv ific-sitv should undergraduates be eS ployed to do teaching work. Deans should meet the scholarship require- ments of their academic rank. jff Discipline and Ability. 1 K 3. Teaching ability This isca- A sured by the power of the teacher to maintain proper class discipline, to arouse in the students interest in and enthusiasm for tho subject in hand, and to impart information so clearlv and forcefully as to enable en-able students -with the necessary preparation and of reasonable industry indus-try to master the subject. '4. Service outside of the classroom class-room Members of the university staff must also show activity in one or more of the following fields: Research and publication of results, ; "writing for publication ('not technical techni-cal research), participation in civic and community activities, special assistance iu the problems and life of the university, participation in rut dignified activity which tends to bring the university staff in touch with the people and conditions outside out-side of the university campus. The foregoing information was given oat vesterday by Professor E. W. Pehr- son,' secretary ' to the faculty. |